Writing in My Sleep

This is a test. I have no idea what to write about for tomorrow’s post. Obviously I haven’t planned ahead well enough….So this will be a test to see if I still have the ability of writing in my sleep. In the evenings I’ve always struggled to stay awake. I get so tired–like right about now at 8:48 pm. In college, when I’d have to read voraciously and then write analysis after analysis, I would often go to sleep, and somehow write the essay in my mind during my rest. I know weird. But I’ve always had the skill of writing in my sleep. So…let see. In the morning, I’ll wake up early and write. And see if it really works! Do I still have it?

Well…it kind of worked. It’s 5:50 am, and I woke up with a magical memory from my uni days. I was taking summer school going into my junior year so that I would be able to spend my junior year abroad in Italy. I was living at a beautiful porched home in the U-District of Seattle. Of course I’ve always loved reading–hence the literature degree, and half the fun of reading for me is finding a unique spot to get cozily perched. With book in hand I sat nestled on the porch ledge reading away when along walks a Seattle Times photographer. He nicely interrupted me and asked for my picture. I said sure. Next day there was with a big picture of me in the paper reading my book for class.

I can actually remember the outfit I was wearing in this picture that was captured by the Seattle Times; it was on serious repeat for that whole year which was 1992-1993. I was in denim cut-offs–I don’t think they’ve ever gone out of style right? I had a white tee on. But the item of significance in my memory is the sweater. Oh, it was lovely! It was from Lisa, a very good friend from high school who also went on to the U of W. I can’t recall how I came about having it, but it was the coziest sweater around: a creamy off white, cable knit cardigan with big shell buttons and a hood. Oh! I wore the heck out of that sweater that then traveled to Italy with me and was worn layered on a daily basis. Hmm…where did that sweater go? And why did Lisa give it to me? I might not recall those two memories but I do recall that day in summer school back in 1992… Reading, reading, reading, and then writing in my sleep the essay that was due that day.

*Unfortunately I’ve searched for the image, but I can’t find it. This summer I’ll dig it out of the trunk and update this post. Hopefully you’ve got your own image in mind of a time when you were nestled just so reading, reading away.

*This post has been updated because I have a dear friend from the days of this story that remembers and has the newspaper clipping. Eliza, you are so dear! Thank you for sending me this pic!


And she’s right. I wasn’t wearing cut-offs but rather jeans. Of course it was raining during Seattle’s summer. And I remembered it being the 4th of July and a flag behind me and all, but I wasn’t positively sure. Amazing though! There’s the sweater. And look at young me just cozily reading away. I love it! Thank you Eliza! Big HUG to you!!

*This post has been linked up to Brilliant Blog Posts.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “Writing in My Sleep

  1. Funny how our memories are so accurate…and wrong. As I was reading your post I remembered a crisp Fall day reading in the woods behind my boyhood home. It was all so clear. During my reverie, my Mom called and I recounted the memory to her. She “set me straight” about what I was doing that day. I’d forgotten that I ruined one of her favorite books when I got sap between the pages. Despite being 83, her memory was clearer than mine!

    Good job getting the post written in your sleep. It’s definitely a #BrilliantBlogPost.

    Make it a great day!

    1. Ahhh, what a sweet story Jeff! Thanks for sharing that. Isn’t it true–the stories in our heads get crafted just the way we like them. What’s that saying? There’s two sides to every story. Thanks for stopping by Jeff. I hope you come again! Ann

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