On February 21, I turned 53. For the first time in a long time I didn’t think anything about my actual age; rather I quite enjoyed the day. But then, how could I not? I was in Italy for the fourth time this year, and Kevin came over to visit for the weekend. I tookContinue reading Turning 53
Desert Days
in Saudi Arabia Kevin and I now live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The move has been at both times intense and easy. It’s intense because, well it’s Saudi Arabia, and it’s been easy because I do not have a job. While Kevin arrived to the Kingdom on August first, I’ve had a very luxurious startContinue reading Desert Days
Mercado Artesanal la Mariscal
Everywhere we have lived has its destination for buying cultural gifts for friends and family back home in the US. Each city where we called home has had somewhere to take visitors to get the necessary local souvenirs. And, every place we’ve settled in has had a market that I will have frequented often. InContinue reading Mercado Artesanal la Mariscal
I have the unique honor of being called, “Mommy.” Of course it must have been Vincent who named me as he came first, and the little sister Gigi (who he also named) followed along. I love being called “Mommy.” Even to this day by my 22 and 20 year old kids they call me “Mommy.”Continue reading Mommy
The 2024 Graduate
It has happened! Vincent has graduated from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. We did it! All of us. Vincent, Kevin and me, Gigi is doing it too. It all feels so final. I was a big wreck during the whole weekend weeping gobs of tears. Usually that job falls on Kevin duringContinue reading The 2024 Graduate
Kremb de la Kremb is NOT Gone!
Well, I had quite the scare! During this month, Kremb de la Kremb, the blog I’ve been writing since 2006, was GONE! Like absolutely GONE!! I couldn’t find it, I couldn’t retrieve it, and I thought it was lost. Losing this blog felt like not getting that massive photo album out of the fire. YouContinue reading Kremb de la Kremb is NOT Gone!
I Bet Your Flowers are from Ecuado
Here’s hoping that the April showers in Quito will indeed bring the May flowers. Yet, the flowers here in Ecuador are grown all year long. Fresh cut flowers are Ecuador’s 4th leading export with a profit of $835 million dollars a year! The price of 50 red roses is a grand total of $7 USContinue reading I Bet Your Flowers are from Ecuado
My Puffer Collection
Last week I posed the question, beach or mountains? While I am decidedly more of a beach person, it so happens that I now live in the mountains–very high up actually at 10,000 feet. Let’s just admit that the climate I live at is very, very cold. Also, the library I work in is doublyContinue reading My Puffer Collection
Beach or Mountains?
I’m most definitely a beach person. I love water over mountains any day. I am a Pisces afterall, so it only makes sense that I love a body of water over a majestic mountain. However, currently, living at almost 10,000 feet, I am giving mountain a life a try. One thing is for sure: IContinue reading Beach or Mountains?
Thank God Age Doesn’t Matter
It has happened. That age that infantile Annie defined as an old person. I am 50. I can remember when I was a kid the celebrations at 40 amongst my parents and their friends. Yet, the age of 50 received no such fan fair. I think I may even be the age of my momContinue reading Thank God Age Doesn’t Matter
Wow! No Wonder I Felt So Bad!!
I just checked, and the last time I posted here on Kremb de la Kremb was November 11! That was a long time ago. When I went to return to my blog two days ago, it was gone. Didn’t exist. Try the sever. And on and on! I came to find out I had accidentallyContinue reading Wow! No Wonder I Felt So Bad!!
My New Zara Pants that Match Everything!
Have you ever walked into a store, seen something, grabbed it right away, and bought it–without even trying it on? That’s how these Zara pants were purchased. I just knew I would get my cost per wear in. Not only do I love the pattern and the fit, but all the colors match so manyContinue reading My New Zara Pants that Match Everything!