Style Story: India Travel Outfits

India Travel Style 1
I’m back from my travels to India! I’ve decided that it’s possible that my heart needs a trip to India once a year, but more on that topic on Wednesday when I write. I was quite happy with the way I packed for India–I stuck to flowy pants with tees layered with a long sleeve denim or white linen shirt. I brought my white vans, and if I wasn’t barefoot on the Ganges beach wore them to walk about touring. Except for one day, I always felt comfortable as well as appropriately dressed for the modest requirements in India.

Day One of India Travel Outfits: 5/5

India Travel Style 2 These pants were perfect. I wore them again when we visited an orphanage. They were a purchase specific for this trip; it’s as if they could have been from India. Because the ankles are exposed, I remain cooled off, yet then during the cooler periods of the day, with a few layers I stay warm. This was our first day in India, and it was a long one. We toured around New Delhi and then took a five and a half hour train ride to Rishikesh. Yes, I needed to be comfortable, and I was!

Day Two of India Travel Outfits: 4/5

India Travel Style 3

Do you see the weird blue shirt on the black shirt? There’s a sample of the white and gold dress/blue and black dress phenomenon. The sun was hitting just that one little spot on the black shirt turing it blue.

I wore these funky pants to go zip-lining across the ganges water. These pants are from my first school trip to India two years ago. The colors are definitely fun, the pattern is right up my style alley, and the they are definitely comfortable. I usually just wear these pants in India since they’re perfect for lounging aside the campfire on the beach of the Ganges. I do not find these pants to be terribly flattering on me however, hence the four out of five.

Day Three of India Travel Outfits: 5/5

India Travel Style 4During this school trip to Rishikesh, India, we end up with plenty of time on the sandy beach. While I would never wear these short shorts out and about in India, I felt totally fine wearing them at our confined beach. My choice of sweatshirt was also a winner–it kept me nice and cozy. This outfit was on multiple repeat, and when the sun went down, I’d swap out the jean shorts for black sweats. It is actually quite cool once the sun goes down in northern India, so layers are always important.

Day Four of India Travel Outfits: 4/5

India Travel Style 6I do like this outfit, but I also can admit that it’s probably a little cheesie–basically another testament to my over the top-ness! See, we were staying on at Leopard Camp with Snow Leopard Adventures. Rishikesh and the surrounding area is known for leopard sitings, and the John Corbett National Park is near by. I guess amongst all the hippies of Rishikesh, I felt a little silly. Maybe my green boho pants from Day Two have been better suited for this trip to the market and later the evening arti on the Ganges River.

Day Five of India Travel Outfits: 3/5

India Travel Style 8On this day we went on a super strenuous hike up to a school village. Before we drop down to the school on top of a mountain, we stop at a temple up there looking out at the Himalayas. Yes, it is all very breathtaking, and the experience with the mountain village children is so touching. While I was comfortable enough hiking–the pants were fine as was the tee, I just felt to loud and obnoxious. Don’t get me wrong! I love this t-shirt that Vincent had made for me and gave to me on my birthday that was spent in Boracay. But, I don’t know. My t-shirt’s message just didn’t seem to match the day, and my pants felt too bright all day long. I’ll keep this t-shirt for visits to the beach. I’m so glad I cropped these pants though–before they were way too long, and I tripped on them all day long.

Day Six of India Travel Outfits: 5/5

India Travel Style 11

Day Seven of India Travel Outfits

I loved this outfit, but unfortunately I could only wear these bermuda style shorts only at camp. I thought they might be long enough, but I was told by our guide that they were too short. It’s better to be respectful on Indian culture than to violate their style norms of conservative attire. I was so happy that at the last minute I through in Vincent’s beanie: some nights I even slept in it it was so cold!

Day Seven of India Travel Outfits 4/5

India Travel Style 13I don’t know…there’s something about this outfit that kind of bothered me all day long. I wore this outfit to travel back to Delhi. We then had a very long day killing time until our 2:30 am (Yes! That’s right!) flight. It was a long day. Perhaps it was the width of the pants….Maybe it was because all the beads I strung on my wrists and neck were bugging me….Maybe it was just the heavy Delhi air that drove me crazy. I don’t know, but I just wasn’t that comfortable. I love the tee though! “Rock it and own it!” Great words to live by. I’ll give the culottes another try this spring during a work day to see if they’re keepers–along with the bright red pair from Day Five…

Boho Pants for You!

There you have it!! These are the outfits I wore during my time in India. While I am not able to find any of the exact pants, I did make a collection here for you of travel worthy styles that I would consider. I highly recommend this flowy pant/tee combo for traveling through a modest style country. It totally worked! I felt put together while comfortable during the entire trip.
[show_boutique_widget id=”232531″]

Ok, now back to work this Tuesday. My Style Story for Friday will be a short one with a four day work week. (Luckily, my school gives us Monday off to recuperate–and I’ll be going to the spa on behalf of Sassy Mama!

*This post has been linked up to Share in Style, Monday Mingle, Let It Shine, Throw Back Thursday, Fashion Friday, Sunday Funday, Brilliant Blog Posts, Passion 4 Fashion, Fab Favorites, and What I Wore.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

3 thoughts on “Style Story: India Travel Outfits

  1. Looks like you dressed perfectly for your vacation. I really like all the relaxed pants that you’ve shown here, I was reading today that they are the new midi skirt. I don’t have any pants like these but would be curious to see if it will be flattering for my body shape.


    Hope to see you for TBT Fashion link up.

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