Style Story: Dresses All Work Week Long

After a week of vacation, getting dressed on Monday is definitely Tough–with a capital “T!” Because I really couldn’t be bothered to figure out what I was going to where, plus I always feel a bit pouchy after the indulgences of a vacation, I grabbed the flowiest item in my closet. The first dress on Monday started a trend, and I just kept going with dresses all week long. They are EASY! Dresses don’t require much matchy-matching–except for the shoes of course, oh and the jewellery, and the coat or sweater. Ok, really, they are easier. Trust me. Here are the dresses (except for one day) that I wore this week.

Monday’s Dress: 4/5

I really like this dress. It’s easy to throw on. It’s a great piece when it’s cold out because I just wear black long johns underneath (Uniqlo makes the best heat technology layers out there!) My sister Mary has had this dress for the past year, so it was fun to get it back. I don’t think it looks smashing on me, but I’m not ready to get rid of it yet. Maybe since I’ve worn it a couple of times this school year, I’ll pass it on to her just to get it back again next year. (I’m seeing this sweet gal in about 2 weeks when she comes to visit us in Hong Kong!)

Tuesday’s Dress: 3/5

It’s time to give away the baby doll dress. I wore it with over the knee boots which I liked but I just think it’s done. At least this one is. I think. It’s in the giveaway pile already…but should I pull it back out? I mean it’s comfortable and all, but it does nothing for me. That’s where the answer is–get rid of it. If I don’t love it, then it’s done. What I do love about this pic however is being with Luka Lesson! Luka is a poet from Australia who was with us on Monday and Tuesday. He’s such a sensational poet. Check out any of his videos on Youtube to see. He really inspired our students during a very difficult week. There are a few more ways to keep up with Luka: either his Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter account.

Wednesday’s Dress: 3/5

Here’s the thing about wrap dress: I love them, but I think they need to be fully wrap. The faux version kind of bug me. Hence, I’ll be putting this one in the bin–although I do love the way I styled it here with a gold belt and heels. Hmmm, maybe I should keep it…Again, no! It’s gotten some great use, but I’m in the serious process of decluttering my closet. Go Ann! I can do it!! The other item that has been purged from this outfit is the pair of shoes I’m wearing. I do love these little slip ons. In fact, I bought them in Macau years ago when I came down here to present a workshop for fellow librarians. These shoes used to have this cute metallic leopard print to them, but now they’re so worn that print has faded away. When I asked my kids, Booties or slip ons, they were both like, Booties! But I went with the slip ons in an attempt to wear them just one more time. Little farewell so to speak.

Thursday’s Outfit: 4/5

Today I deviate from the dress because the white dress I kept trying to style was getting the “No” from Kevin. He rarely tells me I can’t wear something, so when he does, I listen. The reason for white is a tragic one: a student from our school community passed away recently as did the rest of his family. They were all in catastrophic accident during their Chinese New Year vacation in New Zealand. Life is so very fragile. We live our path, but we do not always control it. Our community is grieving right now. We will make it; we are strong, but it is a very sad time for HKIS.

Friday’s Dress: 5/5

(Yep! I got my hairs cut. After Wednesday’s pic, I was like, I need a haircut! More on my hair diaries towards short hair next week…)

Basically, this dress ROCKS! I love wearing this dress, I always feel great in it, and after a tough week this was the perfect piece to pick me up. My designer friend Maria of What the Frock made this dress, and believe it or not, it’s still available–but in pink linen. It’s still gorgeous, and I highly recommend this shirt dress. I paired it with cowboy boots since my good friend Amber inspired me to get mine out when I saw hers on Wednesday. Cowboy boots + shirt dress = HAPPY DAY! Five out of five for sure!

Purged from my Wardrobe this Week!

This week I got rid of the following items:

  • The baby doll dress from Tuesday
  • The wrap dress from Wednesday
  • The nylons from Wednesday–the Asian ones from the supermarket do not fit me!
  • The leopard slip ons from Wednesday
  • What I recommend from this week: Over the Knee Boots

    This trend comes in very expensive prices, so I’ve tried to find some options at a lower price point–since they are a trend after all. I don’t really consider this style a classic–yet anyway.
    [show_shopthepost_widget id=”574015″]

    A Leopard Print Maxi Dresses:

    Of course I’m going to recommend leopard–for me it’s basically a neutral. No but really, when in doubt of what to wear, grab a leopard maxi dress, wear your layers underneath, and you’re going to feel great! I am not kidding.
    [show_shopthepost_widget id=”574263″]

    A Denim Shirt Dress:

    I totally recommend the linen pink version available on What the Frock?! But, if you must have denim, here are some great options.
    [show_shopthepost_widget id=”574267″]

    And any or all of these accessories:

    This week, as usual, I was very grateful for my bright orange lipstick, blue mascara (so 80s, but I love it), my statement earrings and necklace, and of course my mum’s boots. Everything below is exactly like mine except for the boots, and unfortunately my earrings are out of stock, but the option below is very similar.
    [show_shopthepost_widget id=”575787″]

    *This post has been linked up to What I Wore, Brilliant Blog Posts, Fab Favorites, Monday Mingle, Thursday Throwback, and Passion 4 Fashion.

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    Published by

    Kremb de la Kremb

    You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

    8 thoughts on “Style Story: Dresses All Work Week Long

    1. Wow, Monday’s dress is my favourite! A long-sleeved (so flattering) animal-print maxi-dress is a really bold statement, but very cool! Also really liking Thursday’s cool outfit with the grey tights. That statement necklace works so well with your outfit. I’m also in admiration of your layering of necklaces on Friday – very chic indeed – a great way to show off your jewellery.


      1. Thanks Fiona! And thanks for stopping by. I hope you come again. The necklaces you mention from Friday’s post are my faves. One, the Ganesh is very dear to me. I’ll save the big long story for a post–hey, thanks for the idea! I also have a total infatuation with evil eye pendants–hence my love for this one. Do you want to know why I wore it? I’m so silly. I just got my haircut last night, and in an attempt to ward off any negative thoughts of my new do, I wore the necklace. Silly, but I do have my little superstitions! Thanks again for the comment:D Ann

      1. Thanks Alice! Well….I’m trying to meet these closet goals! Quality over quantity. Although, I did just hit up Forever 21 this past Saturday night. I’ve got shopping issues! Heehee. You’ll see me Thursday for sure. Thanks again! Ann

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