Sister Sister

SisterPortrait2What a better post to start the new year than one with my Sister Sister, Mary! I feel so lucky that we were able to spend time with her at Samed Villa Resort on Koh Samed. On the eve of the new year she even consented to take a few fashion shots with me. I had brought two sequin items just in case she would indulge me: my black sequin racer back recently seen here and my silver sequin shorts that I wore this summer. I wasn’t sure which item Mary would pick, but I’m so glad she chose the shorts–they look AMAZING on her. My sister Mary is so beautiful, inside and out. We always joke that she’s the prettiest Freuen (although, it’s really no joke!). Many people think we look a lot alike, and I’ve figured it out: we do, but while I take after our mom, she takes after our dad. Don’t you agree? She’s got more of the Freuen while I’ve got more of the Downey. Regardless, I always feel super complimented when anyone tells me we look alike!

Sisters Hugging

Sisters ChattingWe had such fun together whether it was just hanging out with adjacent lounge chairs sitting in the sun overlooking the sparkly water, catching up on our daily scoops from days past, enjoying all sorts of delicious Thai food, or talking over a glass of wine–or two. Mary lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh right now. I’m so utterly proud of her. How and where she is living is no easy task, yet Mary continues to chug along with optimism, strength, and endurance. She is such a patient young woman, and I’m really proud of her for the accomplishments she’s making.


Sisters in Sequin

TableAll these pictures were taken on New Year’s Eve. We had our own perfect little table down on the beach. Fam. Krembs was reserved just for us.

KevinKevin was a great photographer for this shoot. He kept going and going. We had a bit of a time getting the light just right as the sun was setting. I got a flash for Christmas, so he was busy trying out my new gear too. I love how smiley Kevin’s eyes are–always have, always will!

KiddosAnd one last shot of the kiddos on the eve of the first day of 2014. They are still such great buds. They rarely fight and usually just play and play. I love that they are best friends. Because, like I always tell them, look who my best friends are: my brothers and sisters, like Mary my Sister Sister! So happy we got to spend time with you Mary. We love you.

Some Outfit Details
On our lips: Revlon ColurBurst Matte Balm in Sultry SulFureuse (More on this awesome new score of a lipstick late!!)

Mary’s Black Racertank: Zara
Sequin Shorts: Forever 21
Dangling Earrings: Forever 21
Ann’s Black Sequin Racerback:Old Navy
Black Leather Shorts: Zara
Crystal Earrings: Swarovski

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

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