Short Hair Bloggers Roundup

short hair bloggersAs I was on my way to short hair, I began realizing there are not many short hair bloggers out there. Like really short hair! Yes, some crop their locks around the chin or shoulder level, but the really short pixie, it’s not so common. For that reason, I tweeted out to my peeps and asked for some references. I was pleasantly surprised by this roundup!

Monika of Style is My Pudding
Monika’s got such fun style. And with her hair she does all sorts of things with it. Most recently it was lavender, but it wasn’t shocking. It was almost natural, like yes, of course she would have soft lavender-ish hair. The best thing about Monika’s blog is she connects with her readers. If you comment, she’ll write your right back!
Instagram: @stylepudding
Twitter: @puddingcupstyle

Angie from You Look Fab
I was so bummed! Angie was actually in Hong Kong during our Chinese New Year vacation. I almost got to meet her, but we crossed paths. Angie has made an amazing community over at You Look Fab. Her outfit posts are always impeccable. She has such a cool vibe to all her ensembles.
Instagram: @youlookfab
Twitter: @youlookfab

Borjana of Beeswonderland
Talk about edgy hair! Borjana rocks the pixie! And in all sorts of colors too. I just learned of Beeswonderland, and already I’m enjoying what I see. I love that B (that’s what her friends call her) was a professional but quit her job to persue her passion. Inspiration right there!
Instagram: @beeswonderland
Twitter: @beeswonderland

Hollie from Mommy Wife and Chaos
Ok, follow this gal on Instagram too. Her hair is all that I would love mine to be, but I’m just not cool/edgy like Hollie. I wanna be, and maybe I’ll get there, but for now I can only try. Hollie basically seems to sport a pseudo mohawk like a pro. I love her hair, and I really adore how petite she is. I can only imagine….
Instagram: @madamehols
Twitter: @madamehols

Sacramento the Mis Papelicos
To say Mis Papelicos has style is an understatement. This woman exudes style, she challenges style, she is style. She demonstrates no boundaries and is utterly fearless. Right now she does have a mohawk, a blond one, and it’s awesome. This miss shows her readers that confidence is as much a part of style as anything else!
Instagram: @mispapelicos
Twitter: @mispapelicos

Jessie from Style and Pepper Blog
Jessie is just super cute. Her smile is contagious. She’s like the girl you think would be your friend. I’d say Jessie is just super relatable. I love how she wears a long short hair cut, if that makes any sense. But tell me her smile doesn’t make you smile?!
Instagram: @styleandpepper
Twitter: @styleandpepper

*This post has been linked up to Share in Style, Best of the Week, Style Sessions, Passion 4 Fashion, Monday Mingle, Brilliant Blog Posts, Passion 4 Fashion, and Fashion Friday.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

16 thoughts on “Short Hair Bloggers Roundup

  1. Thanks for the sweet words and shout out, Ann. I love your new short ‘do, and what a shame that I missed you in HK a few weeks ago. Hope you had a great holiday.

    1. I know! I was so bummed to miss you Angie. It would have been like meeting my star crush! You’re a true inspiration both in style and in the example you’ve created as a stellar blogger. Love, Ann

  2. Such a sweet shoutout, dearest Ann…thank you sooo much!! You are very right, there are NOT a whole lot of short-haired bloggers out there…everyone and their sister seems to be all about the “blogger bun” instead!! You just wait, though; I have this really good feeling that we pixie-sporting personal stylistas are on the verge of taking over the Blogosphere!! ;D

    1. Yes! I think so Monika!! Especially with Claire Underwood inspiring the look as well:D Do you ever watch House of Cards? Robin Wright is simply stunning. Maybe one of these days I’ll even experiment with color like you. Not yet though–I’m still getting used to the pixie. Thanks for commenting Monika. I always appreciate it!! Ann

    1. My pleasure Angie! You short crop is a true inspiration!! I’m not sure how long I will last with it…hopefully I’ll start feeling comfortable in this pixie of mine. I still feel a bit naked a couple of weeks later! :O A x

    1. Ooo Tianna! I just went to see you, AND you could totally rock the short hair. How can I help you!? Hee hee. I will say going bit by bit was the best way to get to the final destination of the pixie. Admittedly I still feel a little bare in this crop, BUT it can always grow! Thanks for stopping by. Do come again:D Ann

  3. I love how round-ups always reveal at least one or two of bloggers I’ve never heard of, introducing me to more incredibly women, so thank you xo

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