Haircut #3: I’ve Got Short Hair!

short hairWow, short hair! I’ve done it. I’ve totally cut my hair. There’s no going back now: I officially have short hair! I’ve been talking about cutting my hair for years now, so it’s actually a relief to have followed through. I’m not so sure what I think yet…I’ll give it some time. What’s nice though about this style of short hair is I can wear it in various ways: pixie, rocker, and sleek. Not sure which one I will gravitate towards, but it’s nice to know there are some options. If you dare to comment, what do you think of my short hair? (And it’s ok if you miss my locks–I do too! They’ll be back one day, I mean years away!) And yes, I know…I totally look like my mom, but this time around I’m proud to!

short hair

short hair

*I have the best hair stylist. Aman, from Head Touch in Stanley, is AMAZING! She’s patient and diligent. She won’t stop cutting till it’s just right. She listens and she’s supportive. I highly recommend Aman. Contact her via Facebook–she’ll respond in seconds!

*Here’s the Pinterest board I used along the way towards short hair. And here’s Haircut #1 and Haircut #2.

*I’ve linked up this post to Brilliant Blog PostsStyle Sessions and Pin-spired.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

12 thoughts on “Haircut #3: I’ve Got Short Hair!

  1. Ann your hair is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love all these pictures but that last one is so you… you really should make that your new avatar on all your platforms! You look absolutely gorgeous – keeping rocking the red lippie with it too 🙂

    Catherine x

    P.S. I’ve not realised before just what beautiful teeth you have too…! Would you consider uploading this image to the Accentuate the Posi+ive Project page? You’re an inspiration 🙂

    1. Thank you Catherine! I’m still getting used to it…a little shell shocked! I know the style just before this was short, but this one, well it’s really short now! There’s no going back!!

      Yes, to the red lippy. I have found that the wine color doesn’t work any longer. I must simply stick to red. No problem there! And, yes, I’ll upload this pic to Accentuate the Positive Project. Of course!! And oh no! To changing the avatar! But yes, you are right. Ever since your recommendation from that post awhile back I did that. In fact I just found an avatar last week that I hadn’t changed. Man, or profile pic is OUT THERE isn’t it?!

      Thank you for your words of encouragement Catherine. They mean the world as I’m settling in to this new do. 😀

      Love, Ann

    1. Thank you Shauna! I just visited your lovely blog, and I think you could go for it. Contact me again if you’re thinking about it. I went through many steps. I made a Pinterest board and went bit by bit and had some fun along the way. I should have stayed longer with haircut #1, but I was so excited to get to haircut #2. Now I’m definitely at short, and I think I felt best at #2. It was more whimsical while this is edgier than I actually feel I am. You have beautiful hair though! But, yes, you could totally pull it off!

      Thanks for stopping by Shauna. I hope you come again! Love, Ann

  2. Wow!! Look at you…totally ROCKING the short hair!! I think your new cut looks absolutely terrific on you, dearest Ann…and its versatility is amazing!! Of course it always takes a little while to get used to something new…but if you’re anything like me, you’ll love the freedom of short hair!! Definitely two thumbs up!! XOXO

    1. Thank you so much Monika! We’re definitely short haired (stylish;) sisters now! Bit by bit I’m getting used to it. By the way, on Tuesday of next week I’ll be linking your blog here on Kremb de la Kremb. I’ve made a post rounding up all my favorite short haired bloggers, and YOU’RE one of them!! Love, Ann

  3. This new ‘do looks amazing on you, my dear! Thanks so much for including me in your round-up and I love seeing that you’re having so much fun experimenting with all of these darling styles! XOXO

    1. Thanks so much Jessie! I feel honored that you stopped by and commented. You’re a true inspiration. I’ll be checking out all you have to offer–I’m intrigued by some of your online courses. Love your hair and style! ;D Ann

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