Shanghai Blogger Roundup

ShanghaiBloggerRoundupOne of the best sources for understanding a city is turning to its bloggers. We’ll be leaving for Shanghai tonight to visit my sister Mary who lives and works up there. (Yay to being with family for Thanksgiving!) Last time I visited I made a Shanghai musts post; this time round I’ve created a Shanghai Blogger Roundup. Following are my finds covering bloggers of fashion, food, and expat living:

Right off the bat I appreciate how Meiija S includes both English and Chinese. She posts her outfits and the events she attends. Meiija S has a kick back style that’s very urban chic; she makes a pair of jeans and sneakers look really cool! All of her outfit pics have interesting back drops too–making me excited to tour around Shanghai. Meiija, you’ve got a new reader!

First it was Chinese People Have [No] Style, but then the site turned into Chinese People Do You Style. Basically the first site started out as a study of Chinese and the style they may or may not have–proving that they do in fact have style–an emerging style that happens. The first site wasn’t a judgement, but it could have been seen as such; therefore the author then created Chinese People Do You Style which continues to examine China’s emerging style amidst material production. Both sites are great–the latter taking off where the former ended. It’s filled with plenty of fashion show images, yet the quirky lost in translation post also sneaks in. For example, a couple holding hands with the woman’s shirt saying “I can’t stand you.” Great catch! Because I sincerely am in awe over Chinese fashion, I really appreciate both of these sites. I love seeing the women’s outfits–especially because cheetah and leopard are usually included!



I can’t really tell the difference between these two totally RAD sites other thanĀ Shanghai Express appears to be a Tumblr and The Shanghai Express a blog. Both are written by Roy Zhang, and he is one awesome street style photographer. I am considering him Shanghai’s own Sartorialist! Wait till you see the images he captures of people: like this man perched on his bike, this woman shopping–or wait talking on the phone, or this dog walking his stylish owner. No matter–I’m totally hooked to The Shanghai Express and Shanghai’s street style photographer Roy Zhang!

Shanghai Habits attempts to prove that is completely possible to live and stay healthy while living in Shahghani. For Line, the author of SH, she attributes healthy living to planning ahead, researching, having an open mind, and above all else, staying committed. Her blog posts include reviews and recipes, tips and tricks, and also travel–travel being one aspect of staying healthy that Line encourages. Her travel posts are not all exotic either; SH demonstrates the value of getting out and about and exploring the host country you may be living in. I can appreciate this journal style blog of living in Shanghai.

Yum! Expat Cucina makes my hungry! Warm Primavera Grilled Salad, Pesto Bread, Nutella Swivel Cookies…the pictures of the food on this blog make your mouth water! Daniela, or Dani, is the creator of Expat Cucina. She’s an Italian that has always been encouraged to share her family’s culinary traditions, and now she is. Dani can appreciate the difficulties of sometimes finding the right ingredients at reasonable prices, so she shares her adventures in discovering the grocery options in Shanghai. Hmmmm… I’m just wondering how I can get invited to her kitchen table this weekend!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Shanghai Blogger Roundup

  1. too bad I will be in Taiwan this weekend! How long are you in Shanghai for? I have a cooking class on Dec 7th, would love you to join!
    – Dani (expatcucina)

    1. Oh bummer! I’m just there this weekend. But, since she lives so close (I’m in Hong Kong–let me know if you ever come down…), I’ll be heading up there again. I’ll always check in to see if you have any classes. I’m definitely going to recommend that my sister join! Have a great trip Dani. Ann

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