Second hand shopping is a must for me. Sometimes I want a tulle skirt, or a denim skirt to cut off. Well, slowly as I continue to inhabitant this city and increase my love affair with Hong Kong, I am learning about neat and new-to-me shopping destinations. Recently, with the encouragement of Redress Hong Kong accompanied with the influence of my fashion forward colleague, I’m a Norbyah, I’ve been scouting out places to buy second hand items. For a larger sized woman (at least in Asia), this can prove more difficult, but I have found a shop! Me & George in Central is such fun, and it’s stocked with tons of goods. My only requirement upon entering is to stay focused with the mindset of quality over quantity brimming on the edge of my wallet! Please do check out this great haunt–you too will find some goodies. I am sure of it! (Stay tuned for Mee & Gees in Wan Chai next.)
Second Hand in HK
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Hi Ann! I love the new layout!!.. Thanks for this post, I will definitely check it out one of these days 🙂
Thanks so much Elena! You’re the first to comment on the new layout, so I haven’t been sure….Do check out Me & George! Great spot!! Let’s get together again soon! A x