I Dare you to Wear More than Four Colors

Kremb de la Kremb Colorful 7
You know how we used to all look at the J.Crew catalogs, and think how are they mixing all those colors and prints together? Well, I used to think that anyway, but these days, it seems every outfit I put together is filled with this style called “pattern play.” I’m making some pretty great friends in this blogging community–who are all embracing this colorful style of dressing. Lead ringer among us is Sheela. She got six of us together to style four or more colors. Four colors could include different patterns as well: you know like leopard and plaid paired with a winter sweater, bright gloves, and a luxe bag! Here’s a take of six style bloggers who interpreted more than four colors:

Colorful 3

Colorful 2

Colorful 1

Colorful 5

My Outfit Details of Four Colors:

Leopard Fur–ASOS
Mountain Sweater–Zara
Plaid Pants–Forever 21
Earrings–Macy’s (similar)
Lippy–Maybelline Lip Studio Color Blur in Berry Misbehaved (my new fave that I just found–I always check out what’s new at the drugstore when I’m home in the States)
Tote–Louis Vuitton Speedy 35
Red Gloves–from a market in China (similar)
Boots–from my Mom

Sheela 4 Colours 08
Here’s my good friend Sheela from Sheela Writes. Somehow, through both physical distance and time difference, we have become really good buds. In fact, while I’m in Hong Kong, I’ll sometimes wake and start chatting with her on Whatsapp. One of these days I do know we will meet with either a visit in the States or in Asia. Even though Sheela will say this was a difficult challenge for her, she still looks great–evidence that confidence is another item we wear. Sheela, special thanks goes to you for coordinating all of us!

Samantha writes Fake Fabulous, and believe me there is everything fabulous about her and nothing fake. I’ve already stated my inspiration for Sam here. As per usual, she is bold and quirky and it always just works. When Sheela and I were figuring out a style challenge beyond our monthly Fab 40s, we turned to Samantha’s style. She definitely served as inspiration for this challenge. And of course, she totally rocked it!


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Liyana is a blogger I’ve just met; she writes Affordable.com. (I think she scored with the url, and I wonder how often she’s asked to sell it….) I love how simply colorful Liyana is. Look how expertly she’s paired dots. Can you find them all? Next time I go to Malaysia I know who I will be meeting! Make sure you go to Liyana’s “About Page;” her pic there is just about the cutest blogging portrait out there.


Nicole writes Lipstick and Brunch. I always have a little hair envy for those who so boldly color their hair. I always wish I could just go for it (and not just on a photo shopped April Fools’ joke.) When I read about Nicole, I became very fascinated by her history. She’s Honduran, so I have a feeling if we become texting buddies like I am with Sheela, we might write a bit in Spanish. I love how colorful Nicole is–she definitely had no trouble with this challenge.

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Anna lives on an island–just like me, hence her blog, Anna’s Island Style. However her island is tranquil and isolated, hardly comparable to busy-busy Hong Kong. Yet, I think our commute to go shopping is similar in time getting there! I first met Anna when she started reading Kremb de la Kremb. Because she’s always been so supportive and encouraging, a friendship was sure to begin. Since her finding me, we email and Facebook: in fact in the new year, you can look forward to a travelling sort of collab between Anna, Samantha and me…

What do you think? Do you ever wear more than four colors? Do you need help figuring out how to do this? You could call on anyone of us, and we would totally be ready to help you.

Call on the Four Colors Style Pros:

Here’s Sheela in Houston.
Samantha is in Scotland.
Liyana is in Malaysia.
Nicole is also in Houston.
Anna is on Cornwall Island.
And I’m in Hong Kong.

*This post has been linked up to #iwillwearwhatilike twice, Turning Heads, and Thursday Throw Back.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

16 thoughts on “I Dare you to Wear More than Four Colors

  1. You’re probably tired of hearing me say how kooky and cool I think you are, Ann. Too bad. It’ll probably be on repeat mode for like forever 🙂

    As usual, you’ve interpreted the theme in your own ever so whimsical, fun way, and I love it. I think my absolute fave bit of your outfit has to be that sweater. How delightfully vintage is that????

    Thank you for pulling this together with me, it was SO much fun being yanked out of my comfort zone and forced to play nice with colour. I think I sort of like colour now.


    1. I love the sweater too Sheela. I saw it at Zara, and thought to myself, “That will be the perfect mountain sweater for our winter holiday.” Well, then it wasn’t available–in the stores OR online. So when I did see a few remaining at an out-of-the-way Zara, I scooped it up. It’s been the perfect winter holiday sweater.

      This was fun to do Sheela. What’s up next!?

      A x

      PS I’m glad you like color now. 😀

      1. I am, as we speak, planning a colour series for the blog, and it is destined to become a regular fixture GRIN speaking of what’s next, I just visited an exhibition on the Art Deco period over the weekend. How beautiful. When things are so sassy and classy. And then again, I’ve been thinking about the next Fab 40s theme with thoughts of Rose Quartz as well as Ladylike Glam and Androgynous all floating in my head. Arrggghhh!! Decisions, decisions, decisions xoxoxo

  2. Thanks Ann for the chance to take part in this my first ever link up – it’s been great fun. I love seeing what we’ve all come up with and how very diverse it is. Your fur is gorgeous and a wonderful partner to these fab trews! And the gloves with matching lippy is an elegant contrast to the whole playfulness of the outfit – expertly done, if I may say so. Will be despatching you a parcel in the next week and will message you about the contents soon. Very exciting. Enjoy all that snow x
    Anna’s Island Style

  3. I love absolutely everything about this Ann! Right down to the fluffy furry details on the gloves. When I saw this over on Sheela’s blog I had to check it out in detail. Well done…the prints, the colors, all of it. Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Ann! You know what, I was in Tokyo a couple of months ago and almost bought the same sort of plaid pants in, but in red. I couldn’t speak Japanese and the girl in the shop couldn’t speak English, so with the ‘3 items only’ policy they had in the fitting room, the girl hung the pants outside my room while I tried other things. When I came out, the pants were gone, and another customer somehow was already paying for those pants at the cashier. That was a sad day for me. So if I’m being honest, I have a case of ‘plaid pants envy’ here. I’m still searching for my own perfect pair of plaid pants, so it’s no surprise yours is my favourite part of your outfit!

    And I have to say, that background? So postcard-worthy.

    1. Oh Liyana, we’re going to become buds. I think I’ve had this same story happen to me a million times over, and then it becomes a desperate fixation until the wants are met. (In fact, I don’t write them as much anymore, but I used to write a “fashion fixation” series on Kremb de la Kremb that you could search for.)

      Also, look up above under Sheela’s comment. I had a bit of a fixation in getting this winter sweater. I had to have it!

      In terms of these pants, I like to make believe that they are very Blaire Eadie. I’ve seen her wear something similar–yet mine are simply Forever 21. I saw them and knew instantly that I would be buying them. I hope you find your pair!

      So nice meeting you. Love, Ann

  5. Ha…. I tried this with Catherine’s iwearwhatilike challenge and discovered I only have ONE outfit with more than three colours. And that is because the cardigan holds three (bold) colours. Isn’t that amazing? I appearently am not a big fan of pattern mixing or too many colours in an outfit. I can fully appreciate it on others and I have learned a lot too, but it will never be my thing. Nevertheless because I have learned a little, I have a black and white striped pencil skirt which I combine with a cream blouse with red anchors. That is daring for me (I can hear you laughing at me) but I do see that this is way more interesting than just a solid colour. Alice (Happiness at Mid-life) is very very good at pattern mixing and colour mixing.

  6. I’m so behind on some of my blog reading – just catching up. Oh this is fun! What different and wonderful interpretations of colour! Oh I’m slightly envious of all your colourful outfits and wish I could have played (secretly weeps into her mug of green tea). Isn’t is fascinating how people interprete a theme and what comes out of it. Lots of lovely details in everyone’s outfit but I especially love your trousers and teeming them with red gloves – perfect!


  7. This is quite fun! I love the challenge and am going to try pattern mixing more. YOur leopard coat is amazing. ( as you know I love fur leopard too) and your speedy. Love the looks of the other ladies, and it gets you thinking of new ways to style.

    jess xx

    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!


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