Mohawk Vinnie

Mohawk5 This week is Spirit Week in the middle school for Vincent. The other night he announced that the following day was crazy hair day. What do they say about parents? That we live vicariously through our children. Oh yes, totally. Me personaly, I’ve always wanted to wear a mohawk, but of course never got the nerve. I came close in India with this short sided, mullet cut. Anyway, I said to Vinnie, “You know what would be crazy? Is if you shaved your head into a mohawk! That’d be so awesome. I’ll do it for you if you want….” Whadya know!? He took me up on it. I’ve always known he’d rock a mohawk. And let’s admit it: Vincent looks pretty good in a mohawk! Oh, and Mama knows best! Hahaha!

(By the way, I have complete permission to post these pictures of Vincent. This fact is very important. Also, it must be known that Vincent’s mohawk is not permanent. Mom needs to stop writing this post, so she can shave his head!)



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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Mohawk Vinnie

    1. Unfortunately Mary, Vinnie was very keen to cut it off. Despite it’s approval from all, it’s gone–unfortunately! I have a feeling he might try it again though…Love, Annie

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