Mee & Gee, Wan Chai HK


I gave directions to Me & George a few weeks back. There’s more to this franchise–well, I can’t claim that it’s a franchise, but I do know there are three Mee & Gee type stores: the one in Central, this one in Wan Chai, and yet another for me to discover in Mon Kok. This branch, titled Mee & Gee, is my favorite of the two. While the quantity and prices of the second hand clothing remain the same in both these shops, I venture to say the quality at this branch seems better. Also, the best part about this shop is the two ladies working there; they are so sweet and nice to everyone who comes in–plus, they’ll always give you a little extra off. Their friendliness puts this shop at the top for me. Plus, I first stumbled upon it with my niece Elle where we picked up our tulle ballet skirts! (Eek, since then I’ve picked up two more–enough!)


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Mee & Gee, Wan Chai HK

  1. Thank you so much for the posts about second-hand stores in Hong Kong!!! I’m new to China and thrift stores are one of the things I miss most from home. I never would have found Me & Gee without your post and now it is my favorite place to shop when I’m in Hong Kong. Please post any other hidden gems that you find!

    1. Hi Ashley! Welcome to Hong Kong!! You are going to love it here!! I have another post about George & Me–it’s like the sister store of Me & Gee but in Central. You can read that post here: I know there’s a third branch somewhere over in Monkok, but I have yet to go there. When I do, I’ll let you know. I’m so glad these posts have helped your shopping. Thanks for stopping by and come again:D A x

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