Looking Back on 2013

Kremb de la Kremb 2013
What a great year! Looking back on 2013 I definitely rekindled my passion for fashion and blogged much more than I have in the past. It’s been so fun. My mind is much more creative than it has been in years which feels very good. I have had some amazing experiences here in Hong Kong that have opened up different opportunities. I’m really looking forward to what 2014 will bring…in the meantime, here are some highlights from the past year.

First up, the most visited post in 2013 was Big Wave Bay; it was definitely a favorite amongst you, my readers.
Friends on Kremb de la Kremb
Kremb de la Kremb hosted many friends this last year on the blog including Mary Kelly, Monica, my mom, Joanie, and my mother-in-law Jane, Sharon, and Maureen. I love having my friends on this blog. This is my open invitation: if any of you would like to appear on Kremb de la Kremb, I’d love to have you!
Kremb de la Kremb Hair
I’ve mentioned Independent Fashion Bloggers more than once here on Kremb de la Kremb. It’s a stupendous network for people like me trying to create a community online. I’ve made their Links á la Mode twice: once for My Five Hair Dos and another for Winter Tan.
What the Frock?!
I hosted my first trunk show for What the Frock?! I plan to have another show for Maria in the spring as well as host a couple of other get togethers that I have in mind….more on that later!
Kremb de la Kremb DIY
Every now and then, I get my craft on like the time I painted my black booties gold or took my tie-dye tee and tied it all up.
Plaid Shirt
Julie made an appearance when she took this Shirt Off My Back, but then I was super ecstatic when I found it again for myself.
Kremb de la Kremb Style
Every time I get dressed these days becomes more of a celebration: I love creating the ensemble of a full outfit from the clothing to accessories to the makeup and hair. I really, really enjoy getting dressed like when Kevin and I went out for our anniversary and I wore my rehearsal dinner dress, or the day after my mom and dad left town,  or one of the weekend days I went to town for a day of shopping, or simply wearing basic essentials for comfortable weekends. Putting together an outfit is actually fun for me!
Créme de la Créme on Kremb de la Kremb
Creme de la Creme on Kremb de la Kremb–both dressed up and casual. I was so excited to finally nab this very apropros sweatshirt. You’ll definitely be seeing more stylings of this sweatshirt in 2014 for sure!
Kremb de la Kremb Style Favorites
I met some pretty neat people this year like the folks at Swap and Shop where I scored these studded pumps, Kelly Framel of The Glamourai virtually, and these beautiful Italian Grossi sisters Marta and Angela at Vogue Fashion Night Out in Hong Kong.

Yes, 2013 was indeed spectacular for Kremb de la Kremb!!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Looking Back on 2013

    1. Thank you Monica! I’m so happy you were a part of it!! I hope we can meet up again in 2014:D A xx

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