Kremb de la Kremb SWAP

KrembdelaKrembSWAPKremb de la Kremb is hosting a SWAP on Wednesday, November 19. I’ve been contemplating this idea of getting friends together and swapping our stuff. I’ve had such fun at the swaps I’ve attended around Hong Kong, so I decided it’s time to get the community I’m a part of together and do the same. If you are reading this post, you are invited–especially if you are here in Hong Kong! If you are a reader from afar, consider attending the next swap in your community. It’s a great way to invigorate your closet. You get rid of the old while someone takes it as new. That’s a win-win! And you won’t believe what you can score–like these killer boots or this awesome bag or this intricate necklace.

If you plan to attend the Kremb de la Kremb SWAP on November 19th, please RSVP at this open Evite. You can deliver your used items to me beforehand, so they’ll be organized for the event. Or bring them the night of. I’ll be asking for a $50HK contribution to cover the hosting costs. Any extra money or clothing from the evening will be donated to Redress HK.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

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