Jakarta Blogger Roundup

JakartaBloggerRoundupBannerWhenever traveling I find one of the best sources for getting the very best out of the destination is from the bloggers of the area. Right now my family is in Jakarta visiting the Krembs: Brian and Jen and their two kids Anthony and Henry. We had such a great weekend with them (stay tuned for a Krembs’ weekend recap tomorrow), but now with Brian and Jen at work today, we’re on our own. Aside from their advice, here are the Jakarta bloggers I turned to in planning out our day:

1.Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 8.19.01 AMThe Diplomatic Wife chronicles a trailing spouse of a diplomat to Berlin, Manilla, and Jakarta. The DiploWife as she calls herself, left her job in marketing to embark and support his husband’s profession. In turn the DiploWife writes with tons of tips and experiences on how to get the best out of expat life. I really, really like this site and will most likely continue reading this blog outside of learning about Jakarta.


Amelia is the author of Duckling to Swan. First, Amelia was in Seoul, Korea for five years, and now she is in Jakarta. Duckling to Swan is a blog about life and style–including a love of nail polish! There are tons of travel posts around Indonesia, so if you’re looking for an intimate and luxurious place to stay, you should look on Amelia’s blog.

3.GlistersandBlistersMichelle is a photographer and stylist. Glisters and Blisters has always been Michelle’s spot on the Internets to share her passions. In 2011 she was awarded Blogger of the Year at the Elle Style Awards. There are some pretty awesome fashion photos to be found on G&B!

4.HotChocoloateMintDiana Rikasari is adorable! She is the creator of Hot Chocolate & Mint. While I couldn’t find an about page for her, I can learn this just by scrolling through her posts: she’s got quirky, bright colored style that I love, and she’s extremely upbeat and determined to put a smile on her readers’ faces. I love this blog and have a feeling I’ll be revisiting it once I return to HK because I just love how dang cute she is!

5.MummynistaThe Mummynista would definitely be considered a Sassy Mama! She’s created a portal filled with all sorts of goodies for living in Jakarta–for advice on hiring helpers, to reviews of gynaecologists, to spa and restaurant reviews. If you are a mom in Jakarta, I have a feeling you would seek out the sound tips and opinions of the Mummynista daily.

6.Myrrh GoldframeMyrrh Goldframe is the fashion on goings of Lauretha. She’s got great edgy outfit posts. I can relate to her matching of outfits to scenery. You can really tell she cares just about as much about the location of her outfit posts as she does the actual outfit. I like that. She also adds a collage at the end of almost all her posts giving her readers a chance to shop the looks. Lauretha is also a DJ which adds another dimension to her site.

7.WanderbitesWanderbites is a site filled with “stories of food, travel, culinary hits & misses.” If you want to choose where to eat in Jakarta, you should definitely use this site as a reference point. The photography is beautiful and the reviews are extensive. Street food reviews are also included. Plus there are even posts filled with tips on how to become a better food photographer–yes, I have bookmarked this section of the blog to revisit as I sometimes take food photos here on Kremb de la Kremb!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Jakarta Blogger Roundup

  1. Thanks Ann for the write up on Mummynista and also introducing the other blogs- some that I have yet checked out but will now:) Nice website design by the way!

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