India Blogger Roundup

It’s time for an India Blogger Roundup! It’s no lie: I enjoy rounding up bloggers–especially when I travel somewhere. I found some great Jakarta and Shanghai bloggers, and then last week, inspired by my own short hair, I rounded up some short hair bloggers. Now with India fresh in my memories, I found five, absolutely stunning, Indian fashion bloggers. Go take a look for yourself…

Ritu of Razzle Dazzle Pickle
Indian BloggerLook at this gorgeous beauty! She’s completely ethereal. I love browsing through her posts. The pictures of her are bigger than life–she’s tangible but not quite. She has simple style but then exoctic all at once. This is why I love making these roundups; I find such amazing talent out there, Frazzle Dazzle Pickle being one.
Instagram: @ritu_arya
Twitter: @rituary

Shereen & Kayaan from Love and Other Bugs
Indian BloggerThese best friends make me long for a style sister. Don’t get me wrong, I have many girlfriends, many good, good friends. But I can only imagine a style sister ready and willing to host a full blown fashion blog together. This couple, Shereen and Kayaan, are doing it with amazing style. It must be so fun to plan shoots and outfits together. And their love for boho is simply contagious. They’re a duo for sure!
Instagram: @shereenlovebug
Twitter: @ShereenSikka

Rhea of FUSS
Indian BloggerWhen you head to Rhea’s FUSS, I wonder if you too will feel the same draw that The Glamourai creates. Every FUSS post is impeccably styled. The details, when you look closely, are amazing. I mean, immersing yourself in a pool?! With sparkly gold lips! I love it. She’s got me. I’ll be returning to Rhea’s FUSS because first and foremost she’s an artist.
Instagram: @TheGirlfromFUSS
Twitter: @TheGirlfromFUSS

Nilu from Big Hair Loud Mouth
Indian BloggerNilu’s got short hair! Really cute short hair! And she’s got such funky style–and it isn’t breaking the bank. There’s something about Nilu that’s totally relatable to me, yet she also pushes style limits. I know I’ll be turning to her for inspo–I agree with everything she wears! (And have been shopping from the links on her site! I love a unique find!!)
Instagram: @bighairloudmouth
Twitter: @NiluYuleenaBHLM

Akanksha Redhu, both name and blog
Indian BloggerWhen I was reading one of Akanksha’s recent posts about being settled ing Goa for the next couple of months, I’ll admit to a little jealousy. I want to live in Goa for a couple of months! Her location alone keeps me interested. But then, when I take a look at her style, I’m totally hooked. I feel like the post with the Kimono is just like my post this summer out at Spirit Lake. Now granted, she has way more guts than me (and an awesome body to boot) because I’d never pose in just my swimsuit. But Akanksha, she ROCKS it! She looks AMAZING!
Instagram: @akanksharedhu
Twitter: @akanksharedhu

*This post has been linked up to Share in Style, Best of the Week, Style Sessions, Passion 4 Fashion, Monday Mingle, Brilliant Blog Posts, Passion 4 Fashion, and Fashion Friday.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

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