Hong Kong Money


We have many activities to fill our Hong Kong portion of the summer. (In fact we have a jar full, but more on that later….) One of the first things we set out to do when started our summer vacation in Hong Kong was to try and venture to the top of the IFC building. While that isn’t possible, we did learn that one can reach the 55th floor by visiting the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Museum.


We were definitely able to see some fantastic views from up on the 55th floor: we could see the Peak, all the buildings in Wan Chai and Central, plus Kowloon Harbor. I wore my summer white booties–of course, plus some leather Zara shorts (time to grab them now–they’re on sale here!) along with a mirrored cheetah tank. *As a note, amazingly when I loaded my pictures in to Google+, it arranged the panoramic city scape portrayed here. You can tell as there is some discolouration in the middle left.


This purse was a total score! I got it a couple of 4th of July’s ago at the picnic that always takes place in the park after the Spirit Lake Parade. The picnic is awesome; there are always a couple of vintage stalls set up alongside the barbecues and other vendors, and whenever we attend the town parade a highlight after (aside from the free ice cream) is seeing what treasure might be found. For this particular year it was this awesome white purse. I finally decided to bring it back to Hong Kong with me on my last trip home–why let it sit at the cabin all year long! If you like this little bag, I went on Etsy and found some similar styles here, here, and here.


Here’s a pic I got of my photographer as he was gazing out at the majestic views. Oh, we did pay a little attention to the monetary histories of Hong Kong–but only a little bit!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Hong Kong Money

  1. Hi,

    I was Google-ing on the HK’s ifc building and found your blog.

    Did you have to make any advance appointment to go up to the 55th floor of the ifc building?

    Appreciate your reply. Thank you.

    Best regards.

    1. Hi Jan,

      No, it’s actually quite easy. Down on the main floor of the building, there’s a special entrance–aside from the mall. It’s the entrance that says Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Go in, approach the desk, and pay for your entrance there. You are then directed to a special elevator and up you go. Once upon the floor again they will direct you. We tried to peek around, but we were ushered into the museum. It was really neat! Enjoy. Tell me what you think! Ann

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