My Favorite 40+ Fashion Blogger

NotDressedAsLambThere’s no shortage of fashion bloggers out there, and if you look to the right at my blogroll, you’ll see that I read plenty, with the list growing. Sometimes though, favorites happen–especially when connections are made. Catherine Summers of Not Dressed As Lamb is one such blogger. She’s pretty phenomenal is so many ways. While I completely adore her spunky and simultaneously classy style, it’s her kindness that shines through. Here niche is definitely being a 40+ blogger, yet half of the content on Not Dressed As Lamb is dedicated to helping other bloggers. Catherine offers proof that paying it forward garners success. Every time I’ve reached out to her, and there have been many times, she always gets back to me and promptly to boot. Basically, when it comes to Not Dressed As Lamb, I take every single one of her cues, tips, and tricks, and use them. Thank you Catherine! Both your lovely style and kind heart are inspirational!

Why I love Catherine!

She’s pretty is as pretty does.


She’s constantly promoting others

Just check out her Bloggers You Should Know series.


She’s teaches me

With every visitn to Not Dresssed As Lamb, I am constantly learning something new whether it’s with my photography, blog upkeep, or outfit styling.


She models beauty and embraces age

Join her Accentuate the Posi+ive Project and post what you like about yourself.


She’s got the best style

And she’s a leopard lover too!


Visit Catherine on her site, Not Dressed As Lamb, or you can follow Catherine here on Bloglovin’. (While you’re on Bloglovin’ don’t forget to follow Kremb de la Kremb too!)

Do you have a favorite 40+ blogger? Who is it? Please share!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

5 thoughts on “My Favorite 40+ Fashion Blogger

    1. Thanks for stopping by Chade of Chic! I just went to check out your blog too, and it’s beautiful! You are so pretty. You’ve got a new follower. I hope to see you here again. Love, Ann

  1. Ann you are such a lovely person… I can’t tell you how touched I was by this post!! It actually brought a little lump to my throat – what you said was so kind and incredibly flattering. Thank you so, so much.

    I guess I just want others to realise their potential and see that age makes no difference to what you should wear, do, say… or blog about! Well done you for giving inspiration to others as well, here’s to us oldies, I say!! 😉

    With much love,
    Catherine x

    1. Oh! I’m so glad you liked it Catherine!! I meant every word. The one thing I actually admire about age is that I do not feel 42–actually almost 43 next month. In fact my cup filled with tea right now says “A(with a very big “a)ge is a matter of feeling not of years.” Love it!! Big HUGS to you. Now I”m dreaming about one day meeting you in real life. Wouldn’t that be cool! Come to HK!! Love, Ann

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