An Essay: The Selfie Stick Stigma

SelfieStick7SetFeatureSelfies (or should I say #selfies?) are a part of our life in 2014. The act of taking a picture of oneself may fade out, but for the time being the pictures are here, and they are happening by the second. (In a twelve hour time period, the selfie hashtag in Instagram increased by 292,588 posts.) I am totally guilty in regards to taking pictures of myself, better yet my feet in a pool or beach, or even my silly outfits of the day (using the hashtag #ootd). I know it’s frowned upon in some circles, laughed upon in others, encouraged in still more. We’re in a time period of self promotion, self celebration, self fullness, self, self, self! While it is all very self-centered, I can honestly say my postings of myself are efforts of sharing and connecting with others. I don’t live near my family; many of my friends live around the world. When I post pics of me it’s as if I’m able to connect with others. For the first time in my overseas life, I’m able to share what I’m doing through social media. For me, this is special and gives me a chance to let others into my life in a pictorial sort of way. If we think of all this selfishness as an attempt at sharing ourselves, does it make it better? Does it make it ok?

The very idea that I have wanted to purchase a selfie stick has sent my family into a tizzy. The other three of them think that stick is pathetic, and they have admitted that they will be embarrassed for me to have one. But why? Is the self timer on a camera attached to a tripod any different? If I want to take a family picture in the middle of a hike, isn’t it ok that I should want to be in it. I don’t have to bother another passenger on the Star Ferry to take our family picture. I can take all the outfit of the day pics I want without having to embarrass my kids by taking the pic on the way to school–I could just take it myself and be the cause of my own embarrassment. Since I am going to take pictures, why wouldn’t I want to take advantage of the newest gadget out there that increases the ease and usage of picture taking. When cool things arrive that better my performance in the kitchen, I buy them–like that apple cutter that cuts your apple into slices with a press of the hand or that plastic tube that takes off the garlic skin. This is called technology folks–“the application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose.”

Well, the fam is going to have to be red in the face when I pull out my selfie stick because I got one. And I already love it! First, a cool connection was made from the man who sold it to me. He gave me a great price, we talked, he showed me how to use it, and in the end he gave me a piece of his artwork (that is to bring me good fortune!). Then with a guest over for dinner, I was able to pull it out and join in a picture with both my daughter and her teacher–I wouldn’t have been included in the picture otherwise since it was just the three of us. Although, I suppose I could have used an old fashioned camera. I could have set the camera up on the counter, posed all of us in front of it, and used my remote control. But, come on! Of course pictures are now taken with smart phones. It’s a fact. And now pictures can be taken with smartphones on selfie sticks. It’s ok. I feel absolutely no stigma about it–and neither should you!


(All images in this post were taken via a smartphone and a selfie stick–except for the top one. That one is with a smartphone via a hand.)

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

7 thoughts on “An Essay: The Selfie Stick Stigma

  1. I love this post. I too want a selfie stick but my family thinks I’m crazy.

    Going to ask them to read this now. 🙂

  2. What wit 🙂 I concur, the compulsive need to #selfie is everywhere. I’m at the gym, boom. Walking in the Asian grocery store, boom. At the restaurant, adjacent table, entire family has phone out and #selfie-taking is clearly in full swing. I predict bullish growth for the stick 🙂

  3. I love the selfie stick and always use it on holidays. I never was the type to take selfies myself however for group shots and travel it is awesome. Alot of people at first don’t like the idea of the selfie stick but doesn’t take long to get use to it. Especially once they use it.

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