
When I Come Back, I Wanna Be Italian

BlackBlazerI always joke that when I get reincarnated and come back to this world I wanna come back Italian. There’s just something about Italians that has always intrigued me. This seed was most likely implanted in the fourth grade Annie (around 1982) when Silvana from Florence, Italy babysat us while my mom and dad were out of town. Silvana was gorgeous! She had these huge almond eyes, her skin color was unlike anything I’d ever seen–especially in the Northwest town of Spokane, Washington, and her accent, well it was just dreamy. She had simple style with a white shirt, blue jeans, and a sharp black blazer. Her hair was wavy and flowing , and she smelled divine. Oh, Silvana, I wanted to be her!

Fast forward three years into my 7th grade life, and we started hosting the Mexican Plascencia sisters as exchange students; with their influence I knew I wanted, no needed travel in my life. I begged to study abroad during my junior year of high school in Leon, Mexico with the Plascencia family, yet my father pacified me with a summer visit and the chance to study abroad in college. In high school I studied both Spanish and French. By the time I started uni, I added Italian to the mix, and you betcha! I held my father to his promise and studied abroad in Florence, Italy during my junior year of college.

Waking and walking and living in Italy for those formidable ten months of my life left me impacted. I strutted in Italy–not at first but my the end of my stay, yes. Italians are confident, and they exude this mental state as a garment piece; it’s as if confidence is that black blazer that Silvana, my 4th grade Italian role model, wore. By no means am I saying that an Italian doesn’t go through life with some sort of insecurities, but I can say they don’t show it. At least none of the Italians I have met do. Rather, they don an attitude that has created the style that I want. So, yes, to this day, I still wanna come back Italian! But until then, maybe I’ll just try on their blazer….

Which Culture Do You Wanna Be?

I don’t think it’s just me. I think many women have a little style crush on women of another culture. Take for example, French women. How many books are out there right now about being French!? Currently I’m reading this one.

So, what about you? What culture’s style do you love?

Black Blazers

I’m definitely in need of a new black blazer. Mine is so old it’s basically a charcoal grey. It fits me like the picture of that little boy in a man’s suit–I can’t remember the movie…This time, when I go to replace this tattered blazer, I’m going with quality, just like Silvana, my Italian role model, would!

Check out all these options! How to choose….?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “When I Come Back, I Wanna Be Italian

  1. Just popping in to say that I saw your comment on The Mom Edit about a backwards cardi and had to come say YOU’RE A GENIUS! A few days ago, I fell in love with a sweater meant to be worn just like that – buttons in front or back – but the sweater is an investment I am not ready to make. Your tip was just what I needed. Genius I say, genius!

    Anyway, wanted to pass along my appreciation where you might see it. 🙂

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