Cabin Candids: Rusty and Ted

RustynTed1Rusty is one of our dearest friends! In fact he’s the first friend Kevin and I met as a married couple. He was a new teacher with us the year we ventured out into this crazy business of international teaching. The three of us were starting our careers at Escuela Americana in San Salvador, El Salvador. Rusty taught with Kevin on the 8th grade team, and Rusty and I had neighboring (plus connecting) classrooms. At night, we literally kept our door open: Tic Toc (rest in peace dear Akita) would arrive first, followed by Rusty, and then dinner would be served. We had several routines one of them being to watch Ally McBeal, another Melrose Place (even though we felt like were living this TV drama on our little complejo). For two years, the three of us travelled together around Latin America. Then, when Rusty moved to Rio and us to Saudi, we still continued to visit each other. We still keep it up–especially Rusty. He’s been to see us at the cabin at least 5-6 times. On this visit, Rusty brought Ted. Ted is an amazing fellow and the perfect match for Rusty. Now Ted’s a part of the memories, and on this visit we made many. Come again next summer Rusty and Ted!

TedI believe Ted thought the water was a tad chilly.

RustynTed3Try as he might Kevin finally caused a fall off the tube!




Kevin2Plenty of fun times on the dock.

RustynVinnieThese two had it out for each other the entire visit–Rusty usually won. Sorry Vinnie!



RustynTed5More tubing–rock on Rusty!

RustynTed4They definitely make a very cute couple!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post: A Family Dinner of Raclette featuring a lot of Rusty’s kitchen help!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Cabin Candids: Rusty and Ted

  1. Thank you Ann! You and Kev and your kids are such a wonderful family. I appreciate how you all opened your arms and home and invited me so warmly! I felt so much at home during the vacation time with you.
    Rusty speaks of you all quite a bit – and it was so great to spend time getting to know you all more than the stories I hear.! 🙂

    I am looking forward to some summer activities next year at Spirit Lake. Would LOVE to make it to HK sooner though!! 🙂



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