Beach Poncho Tuesday

This is the last Poncho Tuesday and for this post, I’m wearing a beach poncho. No, I didn’t know they existed either, but when I was in Boracay last week and saw this trend all over the beach, I went hunting for one. Granted my beach market version is very cheap, BUT imagine my delight with the light little sequins on this number. There were various pastel shades, but I chose a gold hue in hopes of complimenting a tan achieved by the gorgeous beach sun. Basically, Boracay is beyond beautiful. Really, it’s just majestic. More like spiritual. That’s why with each visit (this was our third as we went twice for CNY while living in Beijing), I always make a little stop at the Virgin Mary nestled out on this tiny spot of an island. She’s nestled there resting peacefully among the rocks and palms and is visited by adorners all day long. She also has a great view: the infamous Jonas’ Juice Shack sits adjacent, so most people make both stops. Here are the other three Poncho Tuesday posts from this February: a poncho over a sequins dress, poncho in monochromatic winter whites, and a neutral poncho with camo.

Beach Ponchos

This is the last of the poncho stories, and I would like to make a strong recommendation for the beach poncho–especially one that’s a bit transparent. I find there’s something sexy about a whispery, paper thin cover-up like this one and the selection that follows. With such flowy lines that swish about, I felt extremely lithe in this cover-up, and I know I’m not. That’s ok, but for an item to make me feel that way! Well, that’s something. Plus when it’s see through, giving just a hint of the swimsuit underneath, well, it’s mysterious, but not in a telling way. So basically what I’m saying is if you want to feel covered up yet beachy like Gizelle too, try one of these options. I’m not kidding. I felt….different!

*I’m a big supporter of Catherine’s anti-age style movement #iwillwearwhatilike, so I’ve linked up! When this post was published, I linked up to Brilliant Blog Posts, Style Sessions, Monday Mingle, and What I Wore.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

7 thoughts on “Beach Poncho Tuesday

  1. Great cover-ups! So much prettier than the usual cut-offs and tees that I wear to the beach! You have amazing legs and a great body for a bikini, If you don’t mind my saying.

    At 45, I’ve slipped a little this year and have some catch up to do before swim suit season arrives in the mid-west again (get lazy for awhile at this age and it catches up fast. Lesson learned). What do you do to stay in shape?

    Loving the blog…keep it up!

    1. Missy! Thank you so much!! Your comment(s) have made my day. I am not kidding!

      These pictures were actually taken on the morning of my 43rd birthday, so I hear ya sister in regards to it not getting easier. What I’d like to tell you is I have found, embraced, and then accentuated the body part that works best for me. In my case, I’ve been blessed with my dad’s legs–unfortunately not his height. Oh well. But anyway, since I have nice legs, I don’t shun away from hiding them–despite my age. I wear mini skirts and short shorts because I have to take advantage of that part of my body. What you won’t see are pics of my hip region or bum–I’d have to seriously retouch those type of pics beyond belief! So I guess my point is to find the part of your body that you love, and decorate it! It could be your shoulders….bare them! It could be your tummy (abs!)….expose them! It could be your eyelashes….coat them! It could be your nails….paint them! You get my point. As we get older, and things get droopier, we really need to grab on to what we like about ourselves and go with it! That’s what I do.

      As for exercise…I need to do better! I do walk, and I attempt to step it up into what I call a wog (walk + jog = wog 🙂 every now and then. I do abs, but not consistently I aspire to be more consistent with my exercise regime. Between work and momming and blogging, unfortunately exercise doesn’t always fit in. If I change it and find something that works, I’ll let you know.

      I do watch my cals too. Sometimes I’m overly indulgent and then I have to reign myself in. Here’s a post about my weight management tricks so to say.

      Missey, I’m so glad you are enjoying the blog. Makes me feel great!

      Love, Ann

      1. Thanks for linking to that weight management post, Ann. I enjoyed your thoughts on weight control and lifestyle. I agree that a daily measured approach is much healthier than dieting.

        At 5’10”, even with a weight gain over the last year, I’m still well within my weight class and have a healthy BMI, however, this is not where I am comfortable. So…time to get back on that wagon. 🙂

        Keep on keepin’ on! Thanks for your inspiring words.


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