Wonder Woman

I’m pretty sure we all each have our own Wonder Woman story. I know I have many, but today I am going to tell you about my very first Wonder Woman story. This story is from when I was around ten years old. I am guessing ten because I had already started babysitting, and this Wonder Woman story involves money yet more importantly the saving up of my hard earned money.

My sister and I both celebrate our birthdays in February; hers is always first on February 9th, while mine is later on February 21st. At the time in the early 80’s Underoos were all the rage. Do your remember Underoos? Oh, did I ever want a pair–so badly! I especially wanted a pair of Wonder Woman Underoos.

I’d been working by babysitting and saving so diligently for my Wonder Woman Underoos, but when the time came to finally having enough money, I knew what I had to do… To be honest it was the very first time I felt selfless: instead of buying the Wonder Woman Underoos for myself, I bought a pair for my sister. Don’t get me wrong; it was very hard to do this, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

Oh, my sister loved those Underoos–at least I think she did. And it was ok to forfeit the pair for myself. It felt really good to give them to here; I remember feeling quite proud of my gift. While she twirled round and round just like the Wonder Woman we watched on the show, I twirled around in my white panties and camisole and became White Woman–little did I know at ten years old how politically incorrect it was of me to become “White Woman,” but my homemade Underoos were white, so…. White Woman it was!

I never did get a proper pair of Underoos. No matter, we were able to play superheroes despite what we were wearing. Although a few years ago, my sister gave a care package for my hip surgery recovery. Guess what was inside the basket of goodies? A pair of Wonder Woman Target-oos! I love my adult Wonder Woman set. I seldom wear it as I want it to last and last and last.

What about you? Did you own a pair of Underoos. Or better yet…

What is your Wonder Woman story?

Speaking of a Wonder Woman, the fashion blogging community lost a very important warrior this week: Kyrzayda. Within a year of battling stomach cancer, she still came out a winner. She’s an angel now in heaven with her God. She was devoted to Him, her fans, and fashion. She may be gone, but her spirit lives on for many. She’s one of those real life Wonder Woman individuals that inspired so many individuals to be strong, to love oneself, and to care for others–while being super stylish always!

This Post has been linked up to Catherine from Not Dressed as Lamb’s #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!