Wide Legged Pants: Ping Pong piece No.5

It’s the twentieth, so therefore Samantha, Anna and I plus Liyana are brining you a Ping Pong Piece. For August we are featuring wide legged pants. I must say right off the bat that I may have not taken the challenge all the way. I probably should have featured these wide leg pants: my flowered very full pants. But, when Samantha called this theme I instantly thougth of my wide legged white jeans (similarly styled here but with a bit more cheeky fun!), so there you have it. I also wanted to style the purchase I made back in June with Debbie again with my favorite slides–but this time in yellow. You hear me talk a lot about Krystal Bick from This Time Tomorrow. Folks not only is she one of the most stylish bloggers out there, but she is also one of the kindest. I keep seeing her in yellow satin slides paired with just about anything, like a neutral, that I had to be the copy catter that I am and give it a try. I have to say; I like it! Finally, you will be seeing a lot, I mean a TON, of this Hustle & Hide Co waist belt from my sister. I can’t not stop using it; it’s the best! Julie, I am publically thanking you here on the blog. I love it so much! Let’s see how the other PPPers did this month with real wide legged pants…

Samantha from Fake Fabulous

Sam’s picture came in first, and I was like, “Uh oh, I should have worn my really wide pants.” I mean look how cools these wide pants look under a dress! Sam is used to layering as exemplified here. I wear plenty of short hemlines and need to take note: pair pants underneath. It not only looks super chic but keeps things more modest. I love how casual cool Sam is here. I will be copying this look dear friend, I’ll be copying for sure. And it won’t be the first time!

Liyana from Affordorable.com

Samantha invited Liyana from Affordorable. I have been following Liyana from her travels to her life in Malaysia for a while now. Liyana is the “modest personal style blogger.” While she always maintains modesty, she also always remains totaly and effortlessly stylish. Like me, she loves her kicks. I always enjoy seeing what she puts together–like here, she’s got classy pinstriped wide legged pants, with a tailored long blazer, and fun print head scarf. Plus! She’s carrying a wonderful matching title. (This is something I like to occasionally add to my posts;) I really appreciate each and everyone of her outfits. Follow both her blog and her Instagram. This was the second pic to come in, and yet again, I was like, “I missed the boat on this one!”

Anna of Anna’s Island Style

Now Anna’s wide legged pants are very similar to the pants I should have styled for this Ping Pong Piece. Mine are floral like hers yet in different colors, and like her I usually wear mine with a plain colored top because the pants seak for themselves. It was with Anna’s mail with these pants, that I considered retaking my pictures for this collaboration, but as time would have it, just couldn’t get it together. I do love Anna’s pants. They’re so fun, and they’re a definite last flowing goodbye to summer with their fresh colors. Oh, I sure don’t want summer to end–I’m pretty sure my friends here may agree…

And me, Kremb de la Kremb

In this photo if you look up above in the lefthand corner you will see two windows of our apartment. I cropped the picture so you could see where we live. Often times if you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see the view out my windows. Here, I’ve offered a pic of those two windows. I have to admit: I love living in Stanley, Hong Kong. It’s a wonderful, incredibly vibrant neighborhood of Hong Kong. 

Now… let’s take a look at the wide legged pants I should have featured as founded on my Instagram feed… 

Here’s my flower power styled with my navy pea coat.

And here’s another styling back when I had super long hair. I was also able to wear high heels back then! Goodness, I was quite thin too! Something to strive for….both the hair and physique!! The heels I don’t care so much about (although I still have these boots just in case!).

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

14 thoughts on “Wide Legged Pants: Ping Pong piece No.5

  1. Oh Ann!!!!
    I couldn’t be more sorry to hear about you facing another challenge with an injury to your poor back!!! Dangit!! You just keep bumping, hard against new and nasty hurdles.
    I can’t help but wonder if hoisting boxes of books in the school library meant too much strain on a back that continues to adjust and evolve after hip surgery, a nagging knee, and an active summer…
    Your photo here is beautiful and your gingham checks and white wide leg pant look is so cute and classic. I too have been following Liyana for about a year and she adds a lovely young and unique perspective to this ping pong post.
    I hope you’re resting and being showered with love and attention.

    1. Ya, so you heard about my back. I hadn’t put it up here on the blog–just cuz well, I’m always a wreck. It’s to the point of getting embarrassing!

      With this last break I was really at my wit’s end. I had my psychiatrist appointment on Monday, and it was a good thing. (I am very open about the fact that all these chronic pain problems have let me to her assistance, and thank GOD!) She reminded me this isn’t something Karmic or God willing; this is they physiology of my body. First, and ACL tear in my left knee 1995 with repetitive surgeries in 2000 and 2005. Then a right knee surgery in 2009. Then the right hip in 2015 and 2016. Then the left knee again losing its ACL altogether in 2017. My body is physiologically not that sound. I need to take on this challenge, find a way to become strong, lose weight, and look at these signs scientifically. She told me I’m at risk for simple things–like bending over. That’s how the back triggered. The tears, scoliosis, and short space in-between my discs is there. I have to create a stronger core and stronger legs to support my being. This is the rational response. Now on to doing something about it!

      Anyway, I’m on bed rest right now until I go back to work on Monday. My back is feeling better. Much better. My left knee is ok right now. And my right hip, Pinky, is a star! I love her the best. I will not be replacing my left knee anytime soon. Instead I plan to work on what I got and try to make it better!

      I haven’t mentioned anything as I try to stay upbeat here on Kremb de la Kremb–despite many kicks to the curb! Hahha!

      Thank you for all your kind love and support Jude. I love it and feel it!!

      Love, Annie

      1. YOGA.

        1. I know. You would think yoga would help me, but it actually causes me more harm Jude. Part of the reason I’m in this predicament is my extreme flexibility, so when I do yoga I often over do it. I used to be really, really good at yoga–like really good. So to do it now, well, I’m not there yet. Plus, I hyper extend my knees, so it ends up wreaking havoc on that left knee of mine. I wish I could do yoga. Maybe I could one day consider the meditative aspect of it, but the stretching part is a no-no for now. I see the doc this next Thursday, and I’ll find out what both the back and hip doctors think. I know my knee doctor has said stay away from it. I just end up hurting myself….Too bad huh cuz yoga is AWESOME!!

          A x

          1. It really is awesome. I’m very sorry that it’s off the table for you for now. I’m sure you’ll get some good physical therapy anyway. Therapy of all nature is good .

    1. Can you believe I picked up these white jeans on one of those crazy H&M sales?! I was like, “Mm hmm, I’ll take those!” I don’t think I even tried them on. I just knew they’d work! I love them. I did have to have them hemmed, but my tailor did a good job. They’re the perfect length now for both flats and my regular tennis shoes!

      Thank you Suzy!! Mwuah!!


  2. I have to agree with Sam. It’s good that we’re all wearing our very different ideas of wide pants. And yes, white jeans really show off your fabulous summer tan too as do those cute sunnies. You’re totally gorgeous as always!

    Anna x

    1. Thank you Anna! I swear I did wear sunscreen all summer long, but my skin just goes brown. I think it’s 20 years of tropical type weather (minus three years in Beijing where there was NO sun!).

      I <3 U Anna!

      Love, Annie

  3. I’ve lamented somewhere in my blog about not owning my own pair of “perfect white jeans”, and seeing your picture has made me aware again of how that is probably the one thing that is missing from my wardrobe! I think you’ve styled those wide-legged jeans PERFECTLY. My favourites are the sweet gingham top, your badass earrings, the gorgeous pop of orangey red lipstick, and my top favourite: that mustard yellow sandals!!! I sure do hope I bump into footwear in that exact shade, in my size, very, VERY soon.

    1. Thank you Liyana! Like I told Suzy up above, I don’t think I even tried these jeans on. I saw them on one of those MAJOR sales that H&M has and scooped them up before anyone else could! I do love them. And luckily, they’re a nice solid thick white. No see through at all!

      My shoes are still at Forever 21. I think you should get them! They’re comfy too! They’re almost like a neutral against tan feet. ;D

      It was so awesome to have you join us this month! You ROCK!!

      Love, Ann

  4. lovely outfit, your wide legged jeans look fabulous!, and I also love your belt, it gives a twist of relaxed attitude! and gingham!, and yellow sandals!, lovely!!!!

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