white sundress

White Sundress with Cowboy Boots

white sundress
A white sundress is a summer necessity. A white sundress paired with cowboy boots is a stylistic take on vacationing in Idaho. Actually one of the new stores that has cropped up in Spirit Lake is a vintage cowboy boot shop–I must go take a look. During the summer though, out at Spirit Lake, I’ll take any excuse I can get to wear my mom’s cowboy boots. A breezey white sundress seems to be the perfect reason. I wonder what else I’ll be pairing these boots with this summer….probably white cutoffs, a white romper, white jeans. There. That’s two things I love in the summer: white paired with cowboy boots. What combo do you tend to gravitate toward during the summer?
cowboy boots

white sundress

white sundress

Some White Sundress Outfit Details:

Necklace and Sundress–Forever 21 (The last time I styled this sundress, I also paired it with cognac brown little booties.)
Macramé Bag–Target
Cowboy Boots–hand-me-down from my mom (Here’s a sample of how I styled these boots last summer in the back trails out at Spirit Lake. Wow! My hair was so long!)

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

8 thoughts on “White Sundress with Cowboy Boots

  1. Indeed those boots are perfect. Nice of your mom to lend them to you. I have always liked boots with shorts or white dresses/skirts, so you get a big yay from me on this outfit.
    I take it, you can drop the skirt and are only holding it up to show us the boots?
    What does always puzzle me, is the fact that boots are for keeping me warm and a summer dress is for keeping me cool. So how does that work for you?

    1. Exactly Greetje, I was trying to show off my fancy boots! There’s actually a funny story behind these boots. They got lost in a shuffle from traveling to storage, and I had forgotten she gave them to me. Now I bought another pair so I can leave hers here at the cabin and bring a pair back with me to Hong Kong.

      I see what your saying about the hot/cool factor. For one, my feet are usually pretty cold, so I like the heat on my feet. Two, the Pacific Northwest isn’t super hot–at least in Northern Idaho. And three, it’s Northern Idaho! When in Rome…..hahaha!

      I should add, I just love wearing cowboy boots. They seriously make me strut. Lately they’re what I wear with a pair of cutoff jean shorts–daily!

      Do you have a pair? A x

      1. I only have a pair of red cowboy boots. Featured them on my blog a month or two ago. If you really feel an urge to see them, just type in red cowboy boots in my blog search box.

    2. Right? The complete contradiction of pairing the two has always befuddled even as it attracted a loyal following from me.

  2. These are great boots and how awesome that they are your moms. I have a pair of cowboy boots and have not worn the in years. Love this paring!



    Would love for you to stop by & join TBT Fashion link up.

    1. Hi Alice, thanks for stopping by. I’m so curious….why don’t you wear them. I’m actually planning to ask this very question on Instagram. I think it’s interesting how unpopular cowboy boots are. I think they rock! In fact I just bought another pair so I don’t have to keep hauling my mom’s back and forth between Hong Kong and Spirit Lake. I think you should definitely pull them out. I think they add a little pep to your step! ;D

      Love, Ann

      1. I honestly don’t know why I don’t wear them as much. I think it’s because I feel like a fraudster trying to be cowgirl. I really need to sell them, I don’t even know if they still fit me. I’ve had them forever and my feet got larger after I had my son.

  3. You really look so lovely here. The airy feel of that dress. The contrasting texture of those boots. The setting. Perfect.

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