What I’ve Been Up To This September

Last month I tried out a “What I’ve Been Up To,” post, and I really enjoyed reviewing my month in this way. So, here I am again at the end of September ready to share what I’ve been up to this month. Somehow it’s made what I do in my free time a bit more intentional. For example, I’ve stalled on watching season 2 of Sense8, so that I could venture into other series. I’ve also read a book I’ve been meaning to read for ages as well as explore a bit more nonfiction. Also, in the middle of the month, we had a very eventful typhoon that basically rocked all of Hong Kong. It’s going to take us all a long time to recover from Typhoon Mangkhut’s destruction.


First up, whoa! We sure had a doozie of a month over here in Hong Kong weather wise. My goodness,Typhoon Mangkhut was so very strong. Our house was swaying the entire time, and each room except for Gigi’s had water flowing in through the windows. At times we weren’t even able to experience fear because we were so busy cleaning up the water flowing into each room. The storm was devastating: debris and actual people were blown about, windows crashed in, and even roofs were lifted off buildings. Luckily the roof that lifted below our apartment fell to the side and not upward. Check out this crazy video of a table that just floated up above outside an apartment window. Sadly, the trees in Hong Kong got it the worst; in the storm 17,000 trees were blown down, and out of all those trees, 300 were considered very old and historic. For sure it was the strongest typhoon I’ve encountered–and actually the same for Hong Kong since they started recording typhoons in 1946. Luckily the Hong Kong community is rallying and cleaning itself up together. In searching info after the storm, I found this crazy guy who actually came here for it–here’s a storm chaser that actually got scared! Crazy, I say!!

Only push play if you really wanna see The massiveness of Typhoon Mangkhut. You’ve been warned. But since this is a “What I’ve Been Up To” post, well, this happened in September, 09/16/18 to be exact.


With rainy weather in September comes cozy reading time. I swear; my favorite time and place to read is during rainy morning lying in bed. That’s the best thing ever. In one weekend, I did just that and read a great YA book called Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu. And whoa girl! Is this book appropriate for the news happening during the end of September. Basically, Vivian is our main Moxie Girl! She lives in this backward, completely sexist town, and she’s sick of it! But, being a quiet, “good girl” she isn’t ready to speak up. That’s how the underground zine and world of the Moxie Girls Fight Back starts. I loved reading this book and read it in about two days. And now more than ever, this book is a must read!

I’ve also been reading a bit of nonfiction and learning more about the Law of Attraction through The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. As cheesey as some of it is, I really like it. I mean, I have always been a happy-go-lucky person, so reading about manifesting my own happiness is something I can totally relate to. Now, I’m just super into focusing my thoughts, mainly “I feel good!” No, “I feel great!!”

I’m also listening to a memoir by a woman that has had many names: The Girl with Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee. She’s a North Korean defector and refugee, and her story is amazing. I mean wow! What a different world; it’s like listening to a true life dystopian novel although it’s all her life. I’m at the point now in the book where she’s received her 4th name. It just goes to show how naive childhood is; we believe what we are taught. Children are trusting–as they should be, regardless of actual truths that children never know about.

Finally, I’m reading An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. It would be very interesting to see how many times I’ve checked out this book. I know it’s a lot. I’ve tried to read the first chapter many, many times. Finally, I have made it into this book, and I really like it. For some reason, I was never in the right head space to read this fantasy, but now I’m in! I love the alternate chapters of Laia and Elias: they both have such different sides to their story and life. And, I’m at the point when their lives have intersected. Yes, I’m in!!


Like I mentioned up above, I’ve stalled on Sense8; I think my month break will be just enough, and I hope I don’t binge watch season 2 all too quickly. Instead, Gigi and I whizzed through season 2 of Atypical on Netflix. This show about an autistic teenager is so, so, soooo good! We watched it way too quickly, and now who knows when season 3 will come about, and even if it will. I will say on-demand tv is nice, but it’s a little too easy. There’s no waiting at all, no build up; instead there’s instant gratification and a whole lot of binge watching.

The other show that I cruised through was Z: The Beginning of Everything from Amazon Prime Video. Wow! If you like period dramas, if you like the roaring 20s, and you like the Fitzgerald story, then you must watch Z! Watching Chritina Ricci play Zelda alone is worth watching. Then bring in the set and costume, and boy oh boy, I’m delighted by this show. Plus, Z, she was such a strong woman. I mean, she would be one of the women ruling the world if she were around today. I’m not kidding! I do want to read the book now; I feel so sad that she didn’t receive more credit where credit is due. But, there’s no better time than now!


We love to see movies here in Hong Kong. I think it might be a bit of the hot temps–it’s a nice thing to do when it’s crazy hot out. It means you are out and about in the city, but then you get the respite of the movie theater. There’s a movie that I’ve recently seen twice–once with Gigi and once with Kevin, and I’d gladly go see it one more time. Crazy Rich Asias is such a fun film. The OTT touch is completely real. I mean we witness some real opulence here in Hong Kong. Then there’s all the Asian innuendos to learn from–the mahjong scene is so amazing! I did read the book, and in this situation, I almost think the movie may be a bit better. It’s succinct in its plot while the book meandered a bit. I’ll definitely be reading the sequel because we can all be assured that the second movie will be coming out within the year!


New York Fashion Week has happened this September, and admittedly I was glued to all Aime Song’s NYFW days. On my Bucket List is attending a fashion week somewhere in the world. Now I can see that she’s posted Day 1 of Paris Fashion Week, so I can’t wait to see what else she’ll be posting from PFw. I mean, what a glamorous life! All those designer fittings, fancy clothes, luxurious cars…she helps me daydream. And now, while walking the streets of HK, I can stargaze at her beautiful images in the APM Monaco jewelry stores.

Also, there’s another set of videos I anticipate all week… I also can’t wait for Beth to post her videos on Thursday. My most favorite this month was her BJones Style Fall Trends as well as her attempt at trying to dress casual. I mean, this video just proves the point that we all need to be true to ourselves and our personal style!


By the middle of the month I decided to take a break from Instagram again. Can you tell I have a love/hate relationship with this app? Yes, yes I do. However, I do have to mention this adorable mother/daughter blogging team that I have come acroos: Oh Darling Blog by Katie and Lydia is just the neatest collab I’ve seen in a while. This mother and daugther are super cute together: it’s apparent they support one another and have a strong friendship. It’s definitely the sort of relationship I aspire for with my own daughter. In this case, they have a love for fashion in common.

See what I mean? Aren’t they adorable?!

I found these two via Mary whom I mentioned in last month’s update. These two are so responsive on Instagram–the moment I reached out a connection was instantly made. Get it? Insta-gram! Their stories are super cute, and at one point I just had to reach out an help them with a little html language. I hope it made sense… no one ever said blogging is easy, so whenever we can help one another, it’s best to do so.

Last Year at This Time

This is the best part for me of writing this post: seeing what I was up to at this time last year. Up above is a picture taken from my “Summer is Over” post from last year.

Then started my fascination with all things tweed. (It’s time for me to pull this skirt out!)

And, finally, here’s a reminder that I need to get back to a little DIY action. I mean check out this
DIY Acid Wash Jean Jacket!! It’s so RAD!

And that was September!

We’re lucky because October starts off for us with a trip to Bali! I can hardly wait to get there this coming Monday, October 1st.

Here’s to a great October! I hope you you had a lovely September.

*This post has been linked up to Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb’s #SaturdayShareLinkUp.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!