Wearing Western–Simple, Add Cowboy Boots

Wearing Western on Wednesdays this October is going to be easy. In fact, today happened to be a slow day at work–meaning I would not need to walk the library floor as much as usual. I swapped my usual sneakers for my cowboy boots, and granted I haven’t walked as much as I usually do in an average day, but my feet are cozy. My feet feel good. And my walk, well it’s a strut in these boots! If you do not own cowboy boots and you’d like to attempt a bit of Western style, cowboy boots are a must. I highly recommend this very affordable pair.

I love this white tunic. I picked it up at the Asiatique Night Market in Bangkok. Since then, I’ve had to guard it from my sister–she took it once, but I got it back later on. We both have a thing for great white tops. I’ve worn a couple more times here on Kremb de la Kremb–once to the beach barefoot and another time to the same beach in the winter with moto boots. This time wearing it, I added a couple of items to bring a little more of the fall style trends to my look: first a leopard skinny scarf wrapped around my neck. Then to bring attention back to Western, I also wore my star, sparkly, dangling earrings.

I’m not sure why my pictures are turning out so blurry. We’ve been testing out Gigi’s DSLR Canon. It’s a much better camera than my Nikon mirrorless, yet sometimes the pictures turn out so blurry. Other times, like this coming Friday, the pictures are so clear. I think it must all have to do with light. Please bare with a few growing pains while we try to figure out if we can use this better camera. If things don’t improve, I’ll return to my Nikon, but I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet…

Cowboy boots aren’t the only way to stylize in a Western way. Stay tuned for Wednesday next week because I have some more ideas up my sleeve…

Do you own cowboy boots? I went to Zappos and chose some that I’m thinking about–I mean there’s nothing wrong with owning more than one!

Here’s the real question:

Do you WEAR cowboy boots?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!