Wearing Leopard–Just Go For It!

This is my last installment of wearing leopard. I started subtle (both here and here) and then moved on to color. But this week, I’m just going for it! Sometimes the only thing to do is completely embrace the trend, and when it comes to wearing leopard, here’s a way to style it all in one go. Yes, this dress is very bold, but in all leopard, it is definitely making a statement.

For me, as I carry myself in this dress, the statement is confidence. I think to myself, “Yes! I can totally carry off a full fledge leopard dress!” I actually stand and walk taller in this dress. I have to. There’s no tip-toeing around the fact that this is a full leopard print ensemble. The best attitude a woman can carry is confidence, and I’ll tell you what. Wearing all leopard makes me feel just that way!

There are a couple of things I added to this dress to match the attitude: one, I wore my cowboy boots. Listen, if I want to strut (which I often do!), I wear my boots. They’re so comfortable for me, but they also give me a little bit of height that my usual sneaker does not.

The other thing I added were basic, more neutral accessories like a jean jacket and simple gold hoops. Last time I overdid the leopard look with too many gold accessories; I felt so silly. It was an outfit flop, and I did not feel confident at all. So, since the dress with the boots, is making the statement, I let those two things do the walking–so to speak! Everything else added was completely secondary.

There you have it: four Wednesdays of wearing leopard. It’s the end of my Wearing Leopard on the Wednesdays in November. What do you think?

Should I continue in December?

If so, I’m thinking either plaid or sequins–what would you like to see?

PS Happy Shopping!

In case you need the long leopard look, here ya go!
[show_boutique_widget id=”780173″]

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!