wear the mask

Wear a Mask

wear a mask

I’ve been very confused by those that refuse to wear the mask. I see stories online either via news channels or my Instagram feed; some people are very opposed about having to wear a mask. This baffles me. It absolutely doesn’t make any sense. To wear a mask is the respectful thing to do for one’s neighbor. Yes, it’s exteremely uncomfortable, and yes, I hate wearing it too. But, when I wear a mask, I know I am contributing toward a greater good. Not only am I protecting myself, but I am protecting those around me. This seems so obvious to me. Why wouldn’t I wear a mask?

wear a mask

If by chance anyone were to claim that masks don’t work, they simply need to look at a place like Hong Kong. Where I live, I am never by myself. If I take the MTR, I’m pushed up against people. The escalator to get out of the MTR will also be packed. The taxi I take will have been filled with so many people throughout the day. Our cases per day out of 8 milliom people are in the single digits. The explanation for this is easy: we all wear a mask. In fact, if one’s mask isn’t on, that individual will promptly be reminded by someone to get their mask on. It’s never in a rude way–simply a gentle reminder that a mask has slipped below the nose.

*Please note: these articles from The Miller Report, Discover Magazine, and Nature are credible sources to rely on for information, and they report that wearing a mask does indeed help stop the disease from spreading.

wear a mask

Here’s a scenario: you see an elderly man or a pregnant woman struggling with her bags entering a building. As you pass by do you stop to help that person with the door? Yes! Of course!! Why wouldn’t we extend the same kindness during this pandemic? If it helps to stop the spread of coronavirus, then just wear the mask. It’s as easy as that!

wear a mask

Granted, I’m busted in these pictures because once the alley was clear and I was free from any people I did indeed take my mask off. But the second I left this vacant alley, I put my mask back on while social distancing. Because I’m a bit of an over-the-top fashionista, I have bought a few bunch of cloth masks to match my outfits. BUT, please take note: a cloth mask is way more effective if it’s used with a filter. That’s what the insert is for. Perhaps one day, we’ll be able to discard our masks, but for now, I’m keeping mine on–especially for my neighbor.

wear a mask

Do you wear a mask? Or do you refuse? If you refuse, would you mind sharing why?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!