Use Your Cobbler

Look at these black cowboy boots! They are so old!! I actually bought them in Hong Kong during a layover from India to Seattle in December of 2004. Kevin’s brother lived here, so we’d stay a night to catch up. Forever I remember loving Hong Kong, and stopping over here was such a treat. I bought these boots at the Zara in IFC; I was preparing for a winter visit in the Pacific Northwest. When I bought them in 2004, I hardly thought I’d still be wearing them in 2019, nor did I think I would be living in one of my favorite cities in the world: Hong Kong!

It was definitely time to give these boots away. The heel was long worn down, and when I went to wear them on this day, the sole was completely coming off! But hold on. The foot and shaft of these cowboy boots was still in good shape. And in Central, Hong Kong, there are many cobblers to choose from, and I found the perfect one. For $200 HKD ($25 USD) and an hour of wearing my flip flops, I was basically able to get a brand new pair of black cowboy boots thanks to a really great cobbler! Yeehaw!

This past month I’ve been very lucky with a talented photographer: my niece Maeve. Maeve is very passionate about photography–so much so that maybe she’ll become a journalist one day… It’s been nice to have someone who will take pictures of me without complaint. Maeve has always been game and gets good shots–at least I think. She definitely has a creative eye; her mom was a photographer, so it’s in her genes!

Yes, this outfit is full on dots. I’d been wanting to give this combo a try–especially since I bought the polka dot turban. This is my second attempt at the turban (see the first here), and I’m not sure they’re for me… I feel rather clownish in them, but that could be because I overdid it with all the polka dots! You may notice (in this last pic) that even my socks have polka dots! Yes, I am usually OTT (over the top).

Now that I’ve used a cobbler, it’s making me look at my wardrobe differently. In fact I have a growing bag of clothing to bring to the tailor… Stay tuned!

Have you used a cobbler to revitalize any of your shoes?

*Here’s another styling of this skirt here.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!