Upcycled Suit

Wait! Before you go to get rid of something, ask yourself: Could I rework this another way? For example, I felt a bit finished with this plaid pantsuit. It’s hard to describe what was wrong with it because nothing was. I just wasn’t wearing it as much. But, recently, I had started seeing suits with Bermuda shorts. And bingo! Turning these slacks into shorts was an easy upcycle. And now, I really like my pantsuit so much more which means it will get rotated with frequency instead of just hanging there unworn in my closet.

In fact, at present because of our move, I am seriously going through my clothes. My wardrobe is embarassingly mammoth, but I do love everything inside it! Because I am moving to a new country real soon–our shipment leaves Hong Kong on April 30th–culling and organizing has become my after school job. While going through my clothes, I have found all sorts of tailoring needs–some of them being upcycles.

For example, I have this beautiful, bright, geometrical skirt, but it’s way too tight around the waist. However, I think if my tailor takes the waist a few inches down and adds a longer elastic waistband, it’s going to be worn way more often–it’s so cute! Here are some more ideas aside from lengthening or shortening my clothes. I have this super cute, embroidered mini skirt, but it’s quite short. What if I add a little tulle to the lining? I’ll gain a few inches that way, and the skirt will be revitalized! See? It just takes a pair of fresh eyes to see what can be done to wear new life into our clothes.

Even my pendant necklace worn here has been upcycled. The flower used to be the top of a ring, and the necklace had a beautiful crystal bar at its center. I took the two broken pieces to a jeweler and he attached the two to make a whole. I’ve kept that silver flower since my junior year abroad in Florence, Italy. I won’t say the year, but you can guess it’s old!

Do you have any upcycling ideas to share?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!