librarian looks

Two Librarian Looks–Couldn’t Choose

I couldn’t decide between Monday and Wednesday’s librarian looks this week, so I’ve included two for this Friday’s post. I actually really liked the librarian looks I wore on Thursday and Friday as well, so maybe those will become repeats in the remaining days of school–although probably not. Now that I’ve pulled out my spring and summer wardrobe from storage, I’ve got a lot of cute “new” clothes to wear, and as mentioned on Wednesday’s post, I have less than 30 days left of work until summer. Woohoo!!

On Monday I started the week out on a bold note: with fun bright clothes back in my closet, I went for this colorful, floral Zara shift. To tie in all the colors I couldn’t resist my rainbow sneaks and socks. I felt cute in this outfit and definitely ready to celebrate a day off for the following day. Tuesday was May 1st, International Labor’s Day, and we were given a holiday, so that might explain the extra grins!

After a refreshing day off, I was ready to hit three more days of work–no problem! With spring sneakers added to the mix of a renewed wardrobe, I started Wednesday’s outfit with the shoes first. Sometimes I do that–start an outfit from the bottom up. These fun, polka dot sneakers are from the girls’ department. A lot of times I always go there. Many treasures that can be worn by adults are found in the kids’ section. I kid you not–no pun intended!

At one point I felt like I might have been overdoing it with all my patterns here, but then, well, I just went for it. I mean who cares that I’ve got polkadots (and actually the pink little dot is in the shape of a heart–I know, too cute!), florals, and stripes all in one. But, I was on a kick so to speak. Somehow I think it worked. Just tell me yes, ok?!

I think both of these outfits really portray how I dress for work/school. I’m usually in something bright and vibrant; meanwhile I wear some form of tennis shoes every single day. I also always include jewellery. I’d feel naked without it. Speaking of feeling naked–lipstick is also always a big, bright must!

Ok, so the funny thing about Monday’s photos was the drop dead, gorgeous model that was on a shoot right beside me and Remota (the name I call my remote control!). Granted she had a real life photographer while I just smiled and laughed at my camera and tripod. Speaking of laughing–a lady just passed as I caught this picture with Remota. Yes, my remote does in fact deserve a name!

Isn’t this model gorgeous?! She’s the model for a new Chinese clothing brand called Glu–one that I can’t seem to find online yet which is a shame because I kind of really need this silver sequin skirt in my life!

Shall I keep up with the librarian looks?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!