A Total Change in Wardrobe

For some reason, I think about this outfit often. The shirt is so cute and super comfortable. I’ve had the jeans forever–I mean, like for a really, really long time! Perhaps this ensemble was the first outfit I created for August’s box; perhaps that might be why it stands out. You see, I was fastidious about packing for Quito, Ecuador–our new home. I created 20 outfits for August complete with a pair of earrings to match. Then, I put all those outfits in a box marking it with “Quito, August Clothes.” I went through the exact same process for September, October, and November–20 outfits for each month complete with a matching pair of earrings. For the month of December I packed all my holiday clothes including Christmas plaid with tons of sequins and velvet along with all my holiday jewelry.

It was around the end of June when we realized our shipment was not going to make it to us in time for our move to Quito. All that planning and organizing had been done in vain as I won’t get to those boxes until December if we go home for Christmas. Our shipment from Hong Kong arrived three days after we had left for Quito. We weren’t even there to receive it; my goddaughter filled our storage unit with the 77 boxes from Hong Kong. (Thank you Ellie!!)

When I knew I wasn’t going to receive any of my work clothes, I’ll admit I kind of freaked out! I mean my summer wardrobe is filled with cut-off jean shorts and sweatshirts; there’s not much work attire to be found out at Spirit Lake! I also knew I couldn’t break the bank with purchasing all brand new clothes. I’ve spent years curating my wardrobe! With this realization I started hitting the second-hand shops. Thank goodness for Value Village and Goodwill. Also there’s a thankful shout out to TJ Maxx and Targé! Most importantly, my sister Julie gave me some wonderful hand-me-downs! I wasn’t able to find 20 outfits for each month nor collect earrings for each outfit, but I was able to give myself a wardrobe start. From here on out, many of clothes styled on Kremb de la Kremb will be second-hand from my sister or Goodwill. (Although, there is a Forever 21 here [screams, “YAHOO!!”] plus a Zara! I’ve already bought two pairs of much needed boots!)

Before I start showcasing the new cold weather clothes that now occupy my closet, I wanted to showcase some items I will especially miss….

MyLike my leopard shirt dress along with my snake shirt dress–they will not resurface until 2022. What makes me even more sad is not having these amazing cowboy boots. I was able to steal this fancy pair from my mom though–thank you Mom!

Speaking of leopard….what about these amazing red and black leopard pants?! I’m missing all my animal prints PLUS all my favorite red and black clothes. Luckily somehow, I do have this jacket.

Oh! These cowboy boots! I love them so much. I love them enough to have them in two colors: this snake and burgundy pair plus this gold and emerald green pair. Then, there’s all my plaid!!

I love both of these plaid suits–one with pants, one with a skirt. They’re perfect for fall and the multiple ways I could style them…. Oh well. But the clunky sneakers? I don’t know what I’ll do without this staple I’d wear at least twice a week!

My black velvet suit would be so well loved here in Quito. It’s cold here, and layers are a must. The luxe feel of velvet would be wonderful…

Don’t even get me started about the December box. I LOVE to dress up during the holidays. What am I going to do without all my Christmas plaid and sequins. I have no idea…

What d’ya know!? I’ve got this tee. Somehow I found it out at my lake cabin during this past summer, so it is now with me! It’s ridiculous how attached I become to clothing, but it’s simply a part of my person. I love my clothes, and I love getting dressed! Here’s to seeing what I can do with a fresh start and my second-hand clothes. For a head start, head to my Instagram feed @krembdelakremb to see what I’ve been wearing to my new job/school.


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!