To Kerchief or Not To Kerchief

To kerchief or not to kerchief, that’s what I’ve been wondering. There are parts of my physique that I am happy with. I’ve said it before, but I do like legs. I also like my eyelashes–silly, but it’s something. I also like how wavy my hair is. It’s definitely voluminous. It’s important to admit to the things we do like about ourselves. Often times we are just too hard. Like the fact that there is one body part that I dislike, A LOT. I always have–I can remember hating this body part in middle school. It’s my chin, or I really should say chins. I’ve got a full one. When I’m on the heavier side it beefs up, but even at my skinniest, that extra chin is still there. So this trend of tying a scarf right around my trouble spot, well I’m not sold–all the way. I will usually try something though just because that’s what I do. I’m a risk taker that way regardless if it actually looks good. However, there are some reasons you should wear one which I’ve included down below:



Handkerchief 7


To Kerchief

  • If you have a skinny neck and slight frame, you should definitely wear a neck tie.
  • If you are used to wearing statement necklaces and bold accessories, go for this style of tying something around your neck. It’s very similar, so it won’t feel very different for you.
  • If you have a beautiful collection of square scarves, start using them in this chic way.
  • If you often find yourself cold, tie one of these kerchiefs around your neck. It’s an instant insulator.
  • If you enjoy trying out new trends, then definitely this is a fun one for you!

I’m Going to try To Kerchief a couple of more times!

While I don’t love this style on me, I’m going to keep trying. I will attempt a looser neck kerchief tie and also a turtleneck style one. I’m not going to let my full chin stop me because I think the kerchief around the neck just looks really cool. I’ll try it out just a couple more times…take for example the way I wore my mom’s old silk tie here. I loved the kerchief with this outfit.

I’ve started a Pinterest board for inspiration. Join me!

Follow Kremb de la Kremb’s board To Kerchief or Not to Kerchief on Pinterest.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

5 thoughts on “To Kerchief or Not To Kerchief

  1. I love how you have grabbed the bull by the horns and faced your insecurities. I understand completely…I could compile and extensive list of things I dislike about my body….it would make pathetic reading… BUT, we must remember that other people rarely notice what we see as a problem. Others might wonder what we are complaining about and find our “ugly bits” beautiful!
    just the fact that you have kerchiefed (an highlighted) what you like least, shows your readers that anything is possible….. you are an inspiration to others!
    Your necktie is beautiful, delicate and feminine and the rest of your outfit is sassy and fun.
    You look fantastic to me!

  2. Ann, I think the neckerchief looks fantastic! I definitely do not see the “problem areas” that you do, but I do agree about you legs! (My legs are my favorite asset as well!) I do wear a lot of neckerchiefs and sometimes if the “tail” pieces are too long, they can elongate or “thicken” the face. Maybe try a smaller square or tuck the little tails into the scarf. You may like the look better these ways, or you may not! But it’s definitely worth a try since neckerchiefs are so freaking adorable and Audrey Hepburn-esque! Happy Styling!

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