Tie Your Blanket Scarf as a Skirt

Blanket Scarf as a Skirt 5

Sometimes, when a trend becomes saturated–say like the popularity of culottes for example, I end up not wanting to be a part of the movement any longer. I prefer to be unique. I do not want this to come across as snobby; I just prefer being a trendsetter as oppose to follower. Regardless, I have many culottes in my wardrobe that I still plan on wearing–I still have a fabulous gold-ish pair to pull out and style. Another trend that has been making the rounds is the blanket scarf. Granted a scarf is simply a scarf, therefore it should be worn for warmth–that’s hardly a trend. However, the big blanket scarf, especially in this pattern, seems to be everywhere. I was so excited when my library team gave me this scarf for my first Christmas working with them in 2012. I had seen this very famous blogger wearing it and of course wanted one just like it. Imagine my squeal when my lovely library colleagues gave it to me! Now, it’s four years later, and I thought to myself: it’s time to mix it up. Why not tie my blanket scarf as a skirt? I gave it a try and found out it’s just as cozy around the middle as it is around the neck.

Blanket Scarf as a Skirt?!

So, here are my questions for you: would you wear a blanket scarf as a skirt? No way, maybe? And which camp are you in–trend setter or trend follower? Or maybe, you just beat to your own drum are classic with no trends at all!

Blanket Scarf as a Skirt 3

Blanket Scarf as a Skirt 1

Blanket Scarf as a Skirt 7

Beanie, HM | Denim shirt, Gap | Blanket scarf, gifted (same same) | Fleece tights (similar) | Brogues, Zara | Bucket bag, Oroton | Red lips, Bourjois Rouge Edition

Pictures by my fellow blogging friend I’m a Norbyah.

You try it!

Do you already have a blanket scarf on high rotation? Feeling ready to wear it in a totally new way? Give your blanket scarf a skirt try. Wrap it around and tie it just like you would your swimming pool sarong. I kept one corner in my right hand at my waist. I grabbed the diagonal opposite corner with my left hand and started wrapping. Using diagonal corners helped offer varying lengths so that the skirt was not too short. Once the corners met, I cinched it. Voila! A blanket scarf as a skirt!

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*This post has been linked to #iwillwearwhatilike, Turning Heads, and Monday Mingle, and Fashion Friday.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

5 thoughts on “Tie Your Blanket Scarf as a Skirt

  1. Wave your flag if you feel outrageous

    Raise your hand if you’re a boss

    Glorify your dumb mistakes

    And celebrate the cost

    Shine, shine like a dawning light

    Dance to the beat of your drum, make you happy

    Roll to the beat of your drum, make you happy

    Talk to the beat of your drum, make you happy

    Shake to the beat of your drum, make you happy

    Walk to the beat of your drum, make you happy

    Move to the beat of your drum, make you happy

    Live to the beat of your drum, make you happy

    Love to the beat of your drum

    From a sartorial viewpoint, this has been my anthem for as long as I can remember, and I feel, it suits you to a tee, Anne. You’ve always blazed a trail and I respect you so much for that xoxo

  2. A few years back, I saw this “very famous blogger” on the street in Brooklyn. She’s stunning.

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