Thursday is the New Friday

This Thursday is the new Friday. At least for me. My summer has been a paradox of emotions. On the one hand it’s been so fun to reconnect with family and make  new memories. On the other hand, my hip pain has gotten to such a drastic point, that I must take action. This decision isn’t made all on my own: I have an amazing husband who helps and supports me so much, and my two kids are there to give me the love and attention that they as children should be receiving–not their mom! Just recently the pain got to such an excruciating point, that we made an appointment for my hip replacement this September 2nd. Than, as if it was a miraculous night, the office wrote to say there was an opening this Friday, August 5th. Yet that was the day I was traveling back to Hong Kong with the kids. However, my husband’s nickname isn’t KevStar Travels for nothin’! He managed to switch our tickets home for Wednesday. So, yes Thursday is the new Friday–I leave for Hong Kong today on Wednesday, arrive on Thursday evening, and check into the hospital on Friday morning. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I am so excited to get this hip out of me and start to get the old, yet youthful and active, Annie back. Perhaps this post might give some insight into Kremb de la Kremb’s low activity level these days.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share some little items that make my 14 hour flight a little more bearable….

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

11 thoughts on “Thursday is the New Friday

  1. I am glad to hear that this phase of the suffering is almost over. May your surgery go smoothly, may you get up and walking steadily feeling progressively stronger, and may your rehab leave you feeling like you’ve got new tricks to show off!

    1. Thank you so much Karen. Almost! I’m post op, and whoa! I feel like my right leg has been through a meat grinder! I have physio on Saturday though, and I am really looking forward to it. I am ready to slowly but surely ROCK this!!

      Thanks for you well wishes.

      Love, Ann

    1. Thank you so much Linda! I really appreciate it. I can’t say I see the light at the end of the tunnel quite yet, but I am enjoying the downtime from my Command Center, aka my bed! Hahah.

      Thanks again. Love, Ann

  2. Just catching up on your posts and saw that you had surgery. I hope that it went well. It is life changing and you will feel so much better soon.

    1. Thank you so much Dottie. When you say it is “life changing,” are you speaking from experience. I want this to work so badly. I am very hopeful as I think this is the last option towards getting my life back. It’s all rather scary.

      Thanks again for your well wishes. Love, Ann

      1. My husband had both of his hips replaced and the quality of life improvement was amazing. He was really nervous with the first surgery (understandable) and was looking forward to the 2nd, because he knew what to expect and how much it would improve his life. He walked half a mile (on crutches) the day after his second hip replacement!

  3. Oh Jessie! This makes me so happy!! Where do you teach? Next time you come to HK consider one of me one of those friends to meet up with. I’m so happy to have a new reader and I appreciate you commenting. I’ve slowed down on travel posts, but you are inspiring me to maybe write more. Do you think so or just stick to the style?

    Anyway, I’m very happy to connect with a fellow expat teacher. We’re a rare breed don’t you think?

    Love, Ann

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