The Sneaker Lady

These days, I’ve been thinking of changing my name to The Sneaker Lady. It seems fitting–and not just because sneakers are super popular these days. In fact, I’d rather prefer if sneakers weren’t so trendy; then I could be the only one wearing them. Ever since my first hip surgery back in the fall of 2015, I’ve been sporting sneakers in all sorts of variety. These New Balance were my entry into an obsessive collection of sneakers: I’ve got rainbow soles, sparkly winking eyes, metallic stars, and glittery tweed. I cannot choose a favorite pair, but these sparkly numbers come pretty close.

For me, the trick to wearing sneakers is pretending like they’re fancier than they really are. I mean take these very plain navy blue, very comfortable Adidas sneaks. They’re basic, really basic. But I jazz them up with fanciful details like printed pants and gold flower earrings. For all intents and purposes these sneakers might as well be high heels in my mind. Every now and then I’ll deviate from sneakers, but rarely. I pretty much wear some version of them every day–today’s pair being metallic blue as I write.

At first I mourned. I was very sad and almost devastated to say goodbye to high heels. I can remember back some of the crazy shoes I’d wear back in Venezuela–wow, they were sexy, pretty much too sexy for a teaching students, but that was the Venezuelan way. It’s a very sexy culture. Now, I rely on other measure for sex appeal. Luckily even in my sneakers I can still feel sexy. I wish I could say how, but I do. I think the secret is attitude. If you feel good in what you’re wearing, you’re going to look good no matter what it is. Some people can wear a sack and exude beauty. That’s a mindset!

Sneakers are so comfortable. They’re also quite hip. Plus, I’m walking up and down a library floor all day long. My feet, knees, and hips require the support. So, I’m making the look work for me and my physical needs. It’s a win win since there are so many cute sneakers out there. Currently I want to invest in some high top Vans, some Air Max 97s and these animal print Nikes. I gotta save up my money!

Since sneakers are definitely my thing, my signature so to speak. That’s whay I’m seriously contemplating a rebrand:

The Sneaker Lady!

What do you think? Stay the same or consider a name change?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!