I Love Hong Kong: The Peak

There’s a spot in Hong Kong we go to about twice a year: The Peak. The reason we go up to the top of The Peak is to take a walk around the top of the highest mountain hill in Hong Kong–actually called Victorian Peak. The Peak Circle walk is only 3.5 kilometers long with panorama views around the city. There a little picnic stops along the way and equipment for pull-ups and other exercises too. It’s not a difficult walk; with spectacular views it’s a very pleasant activity for a Sunday afternoon. The only complaint are the possible crowds because so many of us want to be doing the same thing: taking in majestic Hong Kong down below.

The Peak

The Peak

The Peak

The super cool thing about Hong Kong is how it’s got both its nature and urban vibe. It’s a much greener island than anyone ever expects. It’s lush; the main reason for such high population density is most of the island is preserved as forest. Check out this map to see how incredibly green this little island of 8 million people is.

The Peak

The Peak

When I look at the pictures of the views from this quaint walk, I realize we should head up to this Hong Kong destination more than twice a year. I’m sure with my in-laws arriving this month, I’ll be back there real soon. Here’s a post from family pictures taken up on The Peak in 2017. And here’s a post from way back in 2015 when my father-in-law took my pictures. Soon we’ll be needing those layers… To get up to The Peak you can be lazy like us and take a taxi but there’s also the tram or these busses.

Make sure if you ever visit Hong Kong to visit The Peak!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!