The EcoChic Design Award Show

Screen Shot 2014-01-14 at 7.53.17 PMI won a ticket to go to The EcoChic Design Award Show happening tonight during Hong Kong Fashion Week. It’d be an understatement to say I am excited. One of my (day)dreams while writing this blog is to make it to Fashion Week events, and now I am! And my first show is a really cool, really important one!

Let me back up…first, take a look at Christina Dean from Redress Hong Kong.
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Christina (you can follow her on Instagram @getredressed) wore clothes that were discarded or donated every single day of the year 2013.  When you scroll through the 365 days, you will be amazed at how beautifully and stylish Christina looked day after day. And to think it’s all from clothes that were dumped! Christina founded Redress in Hong Kong which is an NGO with this mission: “to promote environmental sustainability in the fashion industry by reducing textile waste, pollution, water and energy consumption.”
Because I follow @GetRedressed with a close eye, when I saw her challenge to redress an lbd (little black dress), I went for it! The winner of the redress would win tickets to The EcoChic Design Award Show. Here are my two remixes that won me a ticket:

So tonight, I will attempt one more lbd ensemble. Hmmm….I wonder how I’ll style it this time?Hopefully, I’ll be able to take some good pictures at my first fashion week show. The EcoChic Design Award is a “sustainable fashion design competition challenging emerging fashion designers to create mainstream clothing with minimal textile waste.” Artists and designers from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, UK, France, Belgium and Germany have submitted their designs, and tonight the winner will be announced. I hope to post more on this exciting night later…Plus, I’ll make sure to share how I wear my lbd!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!