The 2024 Graduate

It has happened! Vincent has graduated from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. We did it! All of us. Vincent, Kevin and me, Gigi is doing it too. It all feels so final. I was a big wreck during the whole weekend weeping gobs of tears. Usually that job falls on Kevin during departures, but on this occasion the crying was all me. Again, it feels so final–like maybe we’re done. I mean we’re still his parents and all, but now he’s grown. He’s on his own. I guess I don’t want him to be on his own–so I won’t consider us done. Kevin and I need to foster our relationship with our son even more so as to not become irrelevant. I plan to still be involved in Vincent’s life–as much as he’ll let me. 

Remember the book Love You Forever by Mem Fox? It’s as if that book couldn’t be any more RELEVANT. Vincent actually has our family copy; I tear up too much when I read that one. Oh my, that reminds me of a recent book fair where I told a young mum about the book, and just from the little details I gave her, she started welling up. What a beautiful story of parenting and childhood meshed together into one. 

We felt so lucky that we were able to all be together as a family for Vincent’s graduation. Because of an Ecuadorian holiday we were able to leave for five days. Gigi was also able to join us from San Diego. On top of graduation, we were able to celebrate Vincent’s 22nd birthday which was a super fun family gathering with all the Krembs’ side.

These two together… still clowning around, and I love it. I can remember getting after them when they were little insisting that they were one another’s best friend no matter what. I basically got my pointer finger out and reprimanded them into believing this. I don’t regret those stern warnings as these two are close friends. With each year, their age gap is decreasing, so soon they will be just like this!

It was important for Jane and Alex, also known as Grammy and Babaji, to be present at Vincent’s graduation. They have been very important figures in Vincent’s life. In fact, these two are the ones who brought Vincent to school for his freshman year drop off due to Covid. We were not able to leave Hong Kong at the time, so they lovingly stood in our place. We had to say our freshmen year goodbyes in the HK international airport–yes, everyone was crying bawling.

University of Puget Sound has a vast population of kiddos from Hawaii. The Hawaiians have this lovely tradition of placing leis over graduated loved ones. It was such a neat cultural gift to witness. There was one young Hawaiian man so weighed down by all of his leis that his walk off the field became loaded. If you look at what’s around Vincent’s neck, it’s not just candy; look closely and you can see that some of those flowers are made from dollar bills!

Vincent did an amazing job all throughout his four college years. For three of them, he maintained the job experience of playing on the baseball team. This took a ton of dedication and early 5 am mornings on his part. He had a reprieve during his fall semester senior year as he spent that time in Milan, Italy. Once back he made the decision not to return to the team. This gave him the opportunity to start exploring other (lifelong) hobbies like hiking and running. Vincent graduated from the University of Puget Sound in four years with both a major in international business and a minor in communications. He also maintained a very high GPA (3.5!). Saying we are very proud of our son doesn’t even cover the overwhelming sentiment of pride we feel. Vincent is a loyal, dedicated, kind, and sensitive young man. If you are a person in Vincent’s life, you can be guaranteed that this will be a lifelong friendship.

More Shenanigans with Gigi

Cousin Time

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Kremb de la Kremb

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