The 2020 Graduate

2020 graduate

We have a 2020 graduate! A 2020 graduate who actually was able to get up on a stage, walk across, and receive his diploma in person! I can’t believe our administration team pulled it off, yet Vincent and his peers were among the lucky to experience an in-person graduation. With an entire second semester spent in a virtual school zooming away, and so many high schools and universities celebrating graduations virtually or via drive through, this 2020 graduation ceremony was a tremendous feat. I don’t think many schools were able to pull off what Hong Kong International School did.

2020 graduate

I am so proud of Vincent. To call this kid resilient, and all students at this time, is an extreme understatement. Vincent has continually been prepared to not expect much. At first virtual school was to last two weeks; before we all knew it, it lasted all semester. First our school trips were canceled. All sports were put on hold. Spring break passed without any travel. Next up was no Prom. As graduation approached, there was little hope that it’d be in person.
However, our admin team made it happen!

2020 graduate

Granted, everyone in the venue wore a mask, but who cares! The kids were distanced up on stage as were the clusters of guests. Both parents of each student plus a sibling could attend. Teachers did not but they entered and made a human hallway for the kids to pass through on their way to the stage. As all the kids entered and stood on stage, I had tears of joy streaming down my face. It was just so special to see them all together as one united class. We’d missed these students all semester long. I was both mom and teacher to the senior class of 2020. I am so proud of these special kiddos.

2020 graduate

There are many 2020 graduates in the world. And all were robbed of the special experiences that normally take place in their education culmination. I do hope despite the circumstances, each 2020 graduate feels proud of their accomplishments–not to mention their resiliency.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!