Tuesdays at Target: Graphic Tees

As mentioned last week, I’d like to start diversifying things a bit over here on Kremb de la Kremb. Of course I’ll still keep up posting my outfits and style, but I have so much more to write about, so I want to tap into some of those stories and skills. For example, I’m a really good shopper, and I have a special fondness for Target, so on Tuesdays, I’d like to combine these two. I’ll try it for a month or so; then I’ll evaluate this topic’s success rate.

With that, I bring you Tuesdays at Target. Of course the first post had to be this ultra cheeky tee: it speaks the truth! My time at Target was for sure an issue this summer–many spare hours before Vincent’s games were spent at Target. Hey! One of the fields was less than five minutes away and the other field was less than two! What can I say, I love TargĂ©.

I love the graphic tee collection at Target. I usually choose graphic tees that speak to me, say something I’d like to share, or highlight something I love. Target always have some good ones, therefore I chose 13 I’d love to purchase right now–I take that back. I already own the Target one–It was made for me! Or at least my family seems to agree with the sentiment.

Target Graphic Tees

Which tee do you chose for yourself? The next one I want to get is the “Be Nice” one. I especially like wearing a graphic tee that spreads a good message.

*This post has been linked up to Catherine’s #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!