Just this week I confessed to the chronic pain I experience in my hip, and how I still try to remain happy. One of the ways I manage each day is by wearing comfortable shoes…but what about when I need to dress up? Like, just this week I have had three rather formal events toContinue reading Dressing Up with Tennis Shoes
I just want to go to a PARTY!
So, it’s Christmas 2014, and there has been no shortage of sequins on the blog lately. (Note my sequin pants here and my sequin top here.) I guess, basically, when it comes right down to it, I JUST WANT TO GO TO A PARTY!
Costume Roundup
Dressing as Zorro is just about the easiest costume around. Don all your black clothes with a pair of black boots. Add a black hat and black cape. Then simply take an old black tshirt, cut two eye holes, and wrap it around your eyes. Andale! Zorro!! Well, we all have a little over aContinue reading Costume Roundup