Swap and Shop HK

On Saturday I went to a super stellar new concept shop in Hong Kong: Swap and Shop HK. Once you become a registered member, this is what you do. You go through your closet and look for some of your higher quality clothes that just aren’t being worn any longer. Out of the ten items I was ready to part with, my personal stylist, Karen, took seven of them. That meant that once I paid the $150HK to enter the event, I could then choose seven items to take home. I found super items: a great army green military wool coat, some trendy hats, and two great pairs of shoes! Since I arrived early, I was even able to come back and shop later on once more items had been collected. We are shifting apartments shortly which means I’ll be seriously cleaning my closet, and Swap and Shop plans to run an exchange every weekend, so I am in luck. Usually I just give away my clothes–which I will continue to do, but it was really nice to gain a few items in exchange!
SwapandShopWhen else would someone be able to get a hold of Jasmine Smith, of Dress Me Blog Me’s, Ferragamo shoes!? Never!!
This is Karen. I was paired with her as my personal stylist. Beforehand I emailed her pictures of my items, so she was able to tell me what would be accepted.
Racks lined all the walls.
While shoes were scattered below all the racks.
Here’s the Swap and Shop team. They were all super kind and helpful and of course very stylish! You can’t see them, but I want the second girl from the left’s sparkly brogues!
SwapandShop2To top off this fun event when you buy your entrance, you were given three ribbons–two for two Small Sake drinks and one for some yummy Thai fries from Little Bao. The whole event was super cool and the alley way was spilling over with a festive vibe.

Dearest Swap and Shop, I will be back!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!