Summer Update

So, I’m feeling a bit stranded from this blog. We’re now out at our cabin–but without Internet. The cabin is wonderful; don’t get me wrong. It’s just an odd feeling not being able to write on my blog when I’ve posted at least three times a week all this year. I’ve got 3G on my phone–which enables me to write this post, but all my great pics from the summer so far can only be uploaded to my computer. Once I get reconnected, I have so many posts to write!
1. Stop the Car!
2. The Redwoods
3. Where to Stay in the Redwoods: Miranda Gardens
4. A Day in San Francisco
5. Happy Pride!
6. Spirit Lake Spirit
7. Beach Side at the Kremb de la Kremb Cabin
Hmmm….there’s much more to come, so I’ll just keep clicking away with my (new) lens while keeping up with the editing, and once I get to some wifi I’ll be ready to post all the above mentioned plus some.

For now I’ll just sit tight right here on this dock!


Until that time when I can write on Kremb de la Kremb again, there are two posts I have written to check out: this shopping post about a day in Bangkok on Style by Asia OR this family field trip in Hong Kong on Sassy Mama HK. It’s so exciting for me to be contributing on both of these amazing go-to resources for those loving in Hong Kong!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!