Summer Plans, 2015


This is one of my favorite pics from last summer. It’s from a dinner date at our local pizza joint out at Spirit Lake. Here’s the original post.

School just ended! The kids are at a friend’s house swimming. The teachers here at work will celebrate the end of year with a party this afternoon. Then, we come in for one last day tomorrow. I’ve got Friday off to pack and finish any last errands. But basically, for intents and purposes, it’s summer for the Krembs!

Summer, Part 1: Spokane (June 13-19)


Mom, Dad and Trouser!

This Saturday the kids and I fly home to Spokane, Washington. A week later, Kevin will join us; he’s required to spend a week working later and a week earlier each school year. For the first week, the kids and I will stay with my mom and dad in Spokane. There home is lovely and cozy and perfectly Americana! The kids will gorge themselves with American TV and time with the cousins while I’ll most likely be making daily trips to Target ten minutes away and drinking rosé in the evenings with my sister. All of it sounds just perfect after an entire school year aways from the U.S.

Summer, Part 2: Seattle (June 19-26)


This is a pic from our road trip last summer with the Krembs. Here’s the original post.

Once Kevin arrives, we’ll shoot over to Seattle to do the same thing with his folks. Except during this week on the Westside, we’ll most likely take a little road trip up North to Vancouver. It’s always really fun to travel with the Krembs. During our married life, they have maintained to be our most loyal travel buddies. Somehow when we’re all away we manage to get in some serious quality time that replaces the lack of quantity time while we’re living abroad. Last summer we ventured down the 101 all the way to the Redwoods with Jane and Alex, and it was such fun. While we can’t take that long of a road trip this summer, we will shoot on up north to Canada.

Summer, Part 3: Baby Shower! (June 27-28)


Last summer all the siblings were together! It’s so rare, but I think it might happen again at this baby shower!

The end of June will celebrate a baby shower for both my brothers and their wives. One babe arrives in July and the other in September. It’s exciting times for the Freuen family: more grandkids for the folks, nephews and nieces for the siblings, and cousins for the kids. Julie and Matt are hosting this party in their new home–which I cannot wait to see. You can bet it’s stupendous. I’ll make sure to take plenty of pictures. Also, Julie is always the best hostess, so I can’t wait to see what she comes up with. I plan to be her little helper and learn along the way.

Summer, Part 4: Spirit Lake, Idaho (June 29-August 3)


The 4th of July is always super fun because we usually have a very FULL house!
Here’s the original post.

Finally, starting in July, we will head out to our beloved cabin out at Spirit Lake. I’ve been daydreaming about sleeping out there for a while now. My bed is on the porch, looks out at nature, and is just so crisp. I pile blanket upon blanket, where many layers, and sleep with birds and bees in my ear. It’s quite a shock in comparison to the indoor sleep, but it’s a sleep I crave. Aside from sweet dreams, there will be plenty of good eats and water time. The day revolves around fun cooked meals and even more fun on the dock or beach. We’re on a cyclical “Can’t wait till Christmas/lake time calendar” with time out at the cabin approaching quickly.

Summer, Part 5: Coeur d’Alene (August 4-5)


When we’re out at C d’A, the kids just take care of themselves!
Here’s the original post from our stay out there last summer.

Possibly one of the most relaxing parts of our summer is the last few days before we leave. My sister plays host to us while the kids and I head out to their gorgeous home on Coeur d’Alene. The house is luxurious, the lake is grand, and I’m usually done hosting and now get to play guest. It’s always such a treat. The kids get their last hurrah with the cousins, and I anxiously await our departure, BUT feel relaxed by the grandeur of Lake Couer d’Alene.

Here’s to Summer 2015!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Summer Plans, 2015

  1. Hi there! I’ve been checking out your blog for a couple of months now – super fun! I live in Vancouver so if you need any tips for restaurants, shopping or attractions – let me know!

    1. Oh Awesome! Thank you TJ. Yes, I would love a couple of tips. Here’s my email if you don’t mind: krembdelakremb at hotmail dot com. Thanks so much! A x

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