Summer is Over

Summer is Over

I do love how a summer in the sun increases my freckle count!
Not my wrinkle count so much, but oh, I love the sun!

It’s always on Labor Day Weekend that most people feel that summer is over. For us, over here in Hong Kong, being back and in school already for a month, Labor Day is always a sure indication that indeed summer is over! Year after year at this time, I have this intense longing to experience American Labor Day. For example, this time around, my entire family back home is all together. I don’t often pine for a life in the States; I feel so fulfilled with my international life, yet, there are certain times of the year, Labor Day being one of them, that homesickness does set in. The are a few other times it always happens: Thanksgiving and Christmas for sure, the long month of March, maybe my birthday, but always most definitely Labor Day feels the strongest. It must be because we’ve just ended the summer, and the longing for that life we have during summer is just a short month away. The irony falls with the weather: summer is most definitely over here in Hong Kong! They typhoon rains are here for hopefully not much longer. By the end of September and for sure by October, we’ll be hitting the best beach weather Hong Kong gets. Sartorially speaking, I’ll be in shorts for another few months to come meanwhile trying to wear them in a fall type manner. One thing is for sure; summer is over, yet my matching of the white top and cutoff shorts–well that’s just my uniform continuing!

Summer is Over

Summer is Over

Summer is Over

Summer is Over

Summer is Over

What does the end of summer mean to you?

*This post has been linked up to Not Lamb’s #iwillwearwhatilike and Fake Fabulous’ #fakeituntilyoumakeit.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “Summer is Over

  1. These are some of the most beautiful photographs of you yet dear Ann!!! The lighting and your outfit and your tan skin and slightly wistful smile are perfect for this end of summer mood. Think about getting a couple of these framed!!!
    There is something about lace and light weight, white cotton. Creamy beige cable knit has a similar effect. I have more articles of clothing that fit into those two categories than I deserve. One good thing is that neither one ever really goes out of style. I love your outfit in this post right down to those great, pinkie beige sandals and your wonderful silver ankle bracelets!! I should tell you that your brief “ode to cutoff jean shorts” in an early summer post sent me straight to my local Goodwill in search of a perfect candidate for hacking off. Not having your great tan and toned legs, I gave mine a bit more length but they are loose and lovely and a favorite!! I also have one silver ankle bracelet like yours. It was a gift from my beloved mom, who purchased it for me on QVC when they were featuring Indian artisans.
    It sounds like the next couple of months you’ll have perfect weather by my standards; not hot and not cool either. Hoping that your typhoon season doesn’t serve up anything seriously damaging or dangerous!
    Since you don’t mention your back I’m assuming that it’s doing OK for the time being. Have you found a personal trainer? You have a lot going on with school still in its beginning stage and I know that you have competitors for your focus. You take care sweet girl!

    1. Hi Jude, sorry it takes me so long to respond sometimes! Goodness!!

      I feel like the whole world is just having crazy a$$ weather! Our rain has mellowed out a bit. But then, just the other day, I looked up from my desk and out the window, and there was a sheet of raining pouring down. One awesome thing about living in Hong Kong is the weather. We definitely have four seasons. Granted the winter is a mild one, but there is one.

      I told you I started seeing a trainer. His name is Ian; he’s from Scotland, so I only understand a bit of what he says! Hahaha! I’m always like, “Huh?” So American!! He’s very nice though and just puts me to work and quietly watches from the side. He’s busy with all the people in there, but I just have this feeling that he’s keeping an eye on me all the same. I’m sooooooo weak, so I have a lot of work ahead of me. But I’m taking it slow. I am the turtle, and I will conquer this personal race to strength! I’m going to the gym again today. It feels so good to go.

      You’ll notice this week I’m going with the other uniform: black with denim! Hahah. I’m very predictable and losing some creative style perhaps…..nah! Today I’m in my crazy DIY jean jacket that I made in Thailand. Do you remember that one?

      I hope your move is going well….

      Love, Ann

  2. loving those beautiful pictures in the sunset!, you look fabulous, summery and gorgeous!
    There’s still a month of summer here, even if nowadays is not so hot than it was used to be. But time has arrived to children go back to school, and shops are showing only pullovers and coats. I feel like it’s the beginning of something new, every Autumn!

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