Suede, Suede, and More Suede

Three Suede Shorts
There are a couple of trends that keep popping up this spring. One of them is color–like a ton of different colors (ok, ten to be exact) as highlighted in last week’s Style Story. Another is the jumpsuit which was also featured last week with The Fab 40s. Yet another trend is actually a surprising one: it’s suede! It’s seems like such an odd trend as it’s a heavy weight, but the colors are in earthy, neutral shades. I just happened to pack both my suede burnt orange shorts AND my suede mustard yellow mini when we traveled to Yunnan Province over spring break. When I saw the abundance of burnt orange and mustard yellow, black bordered, and white circled walls on the monastery and temple structures I was like, That’s my wall to try the OE edit! OE is a contributor over at The Mom Edit–just about my ultimate favorite blog to date. When I saw this edit of OE over there, I had to ask how to do it. While she didn’t know exactly (her husband’s a graphic designer), she did say that I could give it a try. I tried a couple of various terms in Google and finally came up with this tutorial. It was a bit time consuming to figure out, but with some trial and error I think I pulled it off–both the triple threat of Kremb de la Kremb and the spring suede trend. What do you think!? (As you know, I didn’t last long in this outfit since it was so cold up in China, BUT the sun was out on this day and so beautifully bright!)

Yellow Suede_

Orange Suede Shorts

Two Suede Shorts

Suede Skirt

Some More Suede:

While I scored both of my suede items awhile ago. One summer the skirt was on serious clearance at Forever 21, and I bought it in mustard yellow and black for both me and my niece for $5 each skirt! This is the second time I’ve owned the shorts. The first pair got so rundown that when I saw them at Forever 21 again, I scooped them up to replace the other pair. (I’m trying to figure out a fun paint DIY for the older pair….) Anyway I went shopping to see what else is out there for you. Basically ou can buy faux suede or real at various price points. If the style is classic and timeless, I’d say suede is worth the investment no matter the price. I plan on keeping both my pieces for a while.

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*This post has been linked up to #iwillwearwhatilike and Brilliant Blog Posts.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!