Style Tip: If You Think You Are, You Are

If You Think You Are 4
There’s always so much to be insecure about. Really there is. I do know this, but I choose to ignore any self doubt that tries to creep in my mind. Rather I choose to follow this style tip: If I think I am, I am.

If You Think You Are 2
If I think I am a fashion blogger, then I am one. I am simply going for it. No one has ordained me as such. But I feel passionate about style, and I want to help others feel good about getting dressed, so I am embracing this passion. Am I stylish? Maybe…maybe not at all. But in my mind I feel stylish, and so therefore I am declaring that I am.

New Balance Shoes
If I walk in shoes that are ugly, but believe they are cute, then they will be. Tennis shoes luckily are having a come back. But I’ll be frank: they aren’t the cute little black booties I love, or even the ever trending cross-over, laced up flats. But, tennies are working for me and my situation right now. I feel good in them, and therefore I feel like I look good in them. Feeling counts for something with style. Feeling counts for a whole lot.

If You Think You Are 3
If I concentrate on that fun flippy curl of my hair, my love of a red lippy, and my quirkiness of wearing only one earring, I will not be able to focus on my flaws like that pesky double chin. There’s plenty I don’t like about myself; I’d rather just find some celebrations instead. Feels better. Finding think I like about myself Feels like love rather than self hate.

If You Think You Are 1
If I think I am stylish, I am. I’m wearing all sorts of crazy from stripes to plaid to leopard. I’m wearing an obnoxious tee that claims something I’ve delcared like being a “fashion blogger.” I’m wearing tennis shoes as if they’re stilettos as I’m hobbling around on crutches. It’s all rather silly, but if I think I am stylish, then I am.

Go for it: my first style tip is if you think you are, you are!

*This post has been linked up to Brilliant Blog Posts, #Passion4Fashion, Fab Favorites, #FashionFriday, Friday’s Fashion, Thursday Throw Back, Brilliant Blog Posts, Watcha Wearing Wednesday, Confident Twosday, Trend Spin, Garay Treasures, Turning Heads Tuesday, Style Me Wednesday, Oh, Hey Girl, WIWW, What I Wore, #iwillwearwhatilike, Style Story, Passion4Fashion, Style Saturday, Fab Favourites, Fridays Fashion, Trend Spin, Classy Monday, Monday Mingle, Visible Monday, Mix It Mondays, and How I Fall.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

29 thoughts on “Style Tip: If You Think You Are, You Are

    1. Patti, coming from you this is a huge compliment. I look up to you so much as a blogger and just all around confidently stylish woman. Thank you! And thank you for the shout out on Twitter as well. Big smile:D Ann

    1. Thank you Jaymie! I needed another graphic tee like a whole in the head. But, I’ve got this formula going on that involves my tennies, a pencil skirt, and a graphic tee. Work what works right?! So happy to be connecting with you! Love, Ann

  1. Amen to that!!
    You sound like one of my little girls…

    “Mum, if you just believe in something then it magically works!”

    This applies to most aspects of life.
    If you hit things head-on…unapologetically and take charge then good things happen.
    I firmly believe that style and fabulousness has nothing at all to do with crutches, chins or trainers!
    You look like a fashion blogger because you ARE one!
    And, for the record, those New Balance are fab….and I want them in my wardrobe.

    1. <3 You Samantha!

      How many little girls do you have? How old are they? I love their philosophy!! Do you have any boys? There's so much about you I want to know. 😀 Love, Ann

  2. Mary, I saw this comment as I was laying in bed, attempting sleep. I can’t describe how huge this comment is for me. My smile was spreading off my face. I even nudged my husband to read it. I find you so amazingly stylish, so these compliments from you mean even more. Thank you. It’s an under statement. But your comment made my night, and it’s one I’ll go back to if I’m feeling down. B

    Big hug! Love, Ann

    1. Thank you so much Abby! I think you can still get the tee at ASOS. Now I’m off to check out your blog! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come again.

      Love, Ann

  3. Great post my friend! You are a true fashion blogger and looking so stylish even in your crutches! I love the sneakers with this look.

    Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!


    1. Thank you so much Alice! Sorry for missing this comment. I hate it when that happens. I always appreciate your dedication for commenting. Something for me to model. Love, Ann

  4. So true, it is all about confidence and what YOU like! If you are happy with what you wear and display that, it is all that matters.Hope you feel better as I am not able to stop by everyone’s blogs as much as I want. Style can and should be fun, and enjoyed. LOve the tee and the stripes! I think the sneakers are cute and make it sporty!!

    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!

    jess xx

    1. Thank you Jess. Right now while I’m challenged by what I can wear in the shoe department I’m trying to concentrate on the good!

      Thank you for taking the time to come and comment. I know your link up is HUGE, so I really appreciate it!

      Love, Ann

  5. You are so right. This is mind over matter, the power of positive thinking!! And it is SO TRUE. If you feel good about yourself, you are oozing that. And everyone will believe it. Besides, the things we worry about ir hate about ourselves are thingsother people might love or never notice. It is the whole package they see, you and your character form a unity. So you better have a fun, lovely or sweet character hahaha.
    Diane vF said something similar. Something about doubting yourself, but I forgot what it was.

    1. You tempted me to do a little search (I know, I know. It’s the librarian in me!) From DVF was it “Confidence, if you have it you can make anything look good.”

      I love everything she represents for women. She’s a true heroine!

      Thanks for commenting Greetje. I always love your thoughts.

      Love, Ann

  6. Thank you Chanelle! It has definitely become my look–I guess it always was, but I’ve never been a huge sneaker wearer. But, after two months in these cozy shoes, I think I’m definitely converted.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come again!

    Love, Ann

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