Style Stories No. 19: Upcycling My Clothes

I’m at it again, trying out new photo editing styles, but still telling my Style Stories. I made it easier on myself this week. I set Remota, my tripod, camera, and remote control) up in a library classroom, and each day I’d hop back there to get an outfit of the day (#ootd) pic. I still have lots to learn with consistency with placement and such, but I’m getting there. My favorite outfit of the week was Tuesday, and you may remember Wednesday’s skirt from last week’s Style Story for Wednesday.


Over the weekend I had taken the pictures for Wednesday’s post: Three Ways to Jazz Up Your LBD. Since the dress and idea were so fresh in my mind, I decided to wear the whole idea again on Monday. It’s basically same-same, but different. I used my marching band jean jacket, a colorful elastic belt, and some even more colorful sneakers. This is easy peasy styling, and on a Monday I’m there for it!


This was my favorite outfit all week! It felt so gaucho style or something. Ironically, my daughter had to let me know that she absolutely hated, HATED, my shorts. They made her so angry she could have punched them–she’s been boxing her anger away hence her analogy. She didn’t mind the shirt–picked up during a huge closet clean out for my father-in-law nor the cowboy boots. But these shorts… well they really got to her! For me, I love them. They’re one of my unique pickups from Forever 21. With Forever 21 now gone in Hong Kong, I probably owe an ode to this store.


This is the same skirt that I wore last Wednesday; however this time around it’s just a bit longer. After feeling so uncomfortable in it last Wednesday, I immediately sent it to the tailor when I saw there was an inch that could be let out. It’s so much more comfortable now; I wasn’t pulling at it all day like the week before. WIN WIN!! Of course, I have to speak about this sweatshirt. In my opinion it is basically RAD. I mean I think it really, really cool. The bottom says, “Joy in living comes from: WORK HARD PLAY HARDER. Yes, I had to have it. I picked it up during our October travels to Yanghshuo. After seeing these HEA shops all over the little walking streets, I splurged. And I am so happy I did. I work for a school whose mascot is the dragon, so I’m set in the school spirit department too.


On Thursday, I hosted a book club meeting for the wonderful title Bellweather Rhapsody. Whenever I get together with this group, I often like to sport one of my booky tees. The tailor was busy for me this week: this skirt used to be a dress with the Forever 21 tag still on it. It had a cute Peter Pan collar, but the waist rode up so high that it was never really wearable. But the skirt of the dress was so cute, even with pockes, so I asked my tailor to turn it into a skirt. I added a fun belt since there’s not much of a waste band, and I was set!


For Friday, again I wore a tailored item. Perhaps you remember this dress from last winter; it used to be quite long, and it actually inhibited my walk. “Chop, chop,” I said to my tailor, and now it’s an even more comfortable dress than before. I love how my sneakers match exactly, so I work turquoise eyeliner and a bright pink lip too.

Upcycling My Clothes

Wow! I liked every single outfit this week!! Those are some good scores. Sometimes, a fresh eye to a clothing item is all that’s needed. If you have something in your wardrobe that isn’t quite working, yet you’d like to hang on to it, give me a shout, and I’ll help you out! I mean it.

Have a great weekend!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!